I Am Not A House Plant

Started by FreedomIsSweet, January 09, 2017, 04:55:30 PM

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Some people talk to their plants
They're always the ones that thrive
That need to be planted in larger planters
Leaves and blooms that stretch
and reach toward the sun

Vines overgrown
With life and silky green
Each cell unique and standing
Creating oxygen and life

Insects and butterflies
Tap at the branches
To soak in the awesome nectar
Of mother earth's trees of life

And then there are plants neglected
Confined to a pot in the corner
Of a room with walls and no doors
Greenery in captivity

Never to reach its fullest  bloom
It's purplest flowers
The best bees
A sweetness not to be tasted

Wilting and brown
Weighted toward the floor
Craving the soil
It misses

Wishing to return to the
Ground it was born in
Neglected and void of fruit
That it knew it could produce

You wanted a house plant
Perhaps only for decoration
To show your ability to pluck it
From the ground where it came

You committed to take care of it
You desired its fruitful rewards
You promised to feed it and nurture it
You vowed to keep it safe

I could have filled you with oxygen
I could have bloomed bright
I could have overfilled my planter
I could have cracked glass with my passionate vines
You could have tasted my sweetness
And let my aroma engulf you

But no.
There I sat.
A plant that could not flower.
I am not a house plant.
* you and your neglect.