A letter to my Daughter

Started by brneyes, January 08, 2017, 07:00:49 AM

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Babygirl,  I know we have been distant for some time and Im truly sorry for this. I know you dont completely understand what I am going through but I truly want to help with that. I've tried talking to you numerous times but you never seem to listen or want to listen. This hurts me terribly because Im going through so much and I need you the most. I've not only had the pleasure of being your mom and you being my daughter but we have been best friends for 21 yrs. I know your life is super busy right now but can you sit down for a minute and listen? I dont want to tell you sad things nor do I want to bring you any pain but I really want you to understand what I am going through in hopes that you will spend time with me again and not fear my diagnoses. I decided to write this because I've tried everything else to get your attention but all have failed. Wont you sit with me for a while and get to know me again. I love you with every piece of my soul and I miss you so very much. Love Mom!