
Started by plantsandworms, October 18, 2017, 03:37:18 AM

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I wake up every day feeling either empty or overwhelmed. I go to my job feeling either empty or overwhelmed. I'm in check out at the grocery store feeling either empty or overwhelmed. I do my laundry feeling either empty or overwhelmed. I meet friends for dinner feeling either empty or overwhelmed. I try to fall asleep feeling either empty or overwhelmed. It's exhausting, I'm exhausted, I just want to maintain basic feelings of safety and belonging in this world. Everything is so close and just beyond me. I want to so badly to reach out and touch something.


Just wanted to reach out and let you know that I empathize with every word you wrote. I go to bed at 7pm some nights, exhausted, empty and overwhelmed because that's the only way I cope lately.

Our safety lies in the spaces we create inside us. The trick is carrying them with us and remembering we can access them as needed. At least, that's been my experience.

Good luck and hang in there. You're not alone.


I completely empathize with what you're going through. I feel the same. So similar that I could have written most of your post, word for word. If I could find the middle way between feeling overwhelmed and feeling empty, just feeling that's not too much and not too little, I'd maybe feel more like I belonged in the world. I wish it for both of us, from the bottom of my heart.

You said it so beautifully. I agree, our safety lies in the spaces we create inside us. Maybe as we get stronger we don't move that much between totally overwhelmed / totally empty, we have more space inside so we don't need to reach the end of our tether. I hope so.


Just want to let you know you aren't alone, okay? Sitting with you.


i'll chime in here because i can totally relate to this.  it sucks.   big hug.