"You Did Not Shatter" (beautiful!)

Started by Three Roses, September 05, 2018, 09:35:27 PM

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Three Roses

(Moderators - Not sure if this is the right sub-forum)

Hopeful info - Shared from Beauty After Bruises Facebook group:

For a long time, it was believed that Dissociative Identity Disorder developed because someone's singular mind was so traumatized, so pressurized under the weight of insurmountable trauma, that it broke itself into a bunch of different alters to cope. While not only is this no longer the currently accepted model, for the time it remained popular, it left many survivors feeling as if they were broken beyond repair -- as if they were nothing but fragments of a shattered vase or a puzzle that no longer fits together. The copious amounts of glue and force it would take to repair would never let it look pretty again.
In reality, this isn't true. Every single person is born as an abundance of scattered, unintegrated pieces of personality, memory and sense of self. Over time, through healthy childhood development, they come together into one, multifaceted identity. But, complex trauma can interrupt that process. Protective walls go up to prevent that seamless transition and keep upsetting material more compartmentalized. So, you didn't crack, break, pull apart, crumble or shatter. You simply put up walls. No glue is needed in the repair, no tape or haphazard messes. You can just lower the walls whenever you're ready. And, the extra walls that are there now are actually providing you with MORE structural integrity, not less.
You are anything but rubble or broken ground; you're a solid, steady structure. And, where you're ready to take out some of those walls, or just turn them into half-walls or countertops, you can do so. But, for now, just know you're steady. In fact, more steady than most. This is a survival mechanism, after all. You're built to last. :)
Full article here: beautyafterbruises.org/blog/youdidnotshatter


Hi Three Roses,
I will have a look at this blog hopefully sometime soon, as I really like the quotes you've shared from it.  It is written very well and makes sense.  Very hopeful.
Hope  :)