The Most Groundbreaking Realization...

Started by LilyITV, October 11, 2018, 02:25:43 PM

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I have struggled with the symptoms of C-PTSD my whole life.  I have tried over the years to "fix" myself.  I've always wondered why I am the way I am--so isolated, withdrawn, non-assertive.   But since I have come to understand C-PTSD and trauma, I have come to realize for the first time there is nothing wrong with me.  There never was anything wrong with me.  It was my parents who were wrong. 

I have spent so much time blaming myself, being ashamed of myself, and now for the first time, at 44, I feel like I am the "normal" one. 

It feels like a whole new world now. 


Dear Lily,
You are so right and I am so glad you came to this realization. Pat yourself on the back and just attempt to live a calm peaceful life, with self care and good positive people and things.  :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:. All the best to you!


that is an amazing realization  :cheer: :cheer: So happy to read this  :hug: