Is anyone free to talk?

Started by Eyessoblue, March 17, 2019, 11:32:12 PM

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Trigger warning; ok, sorry for the post, pretty much it's  the end, can't take anymore. Tonight I've collected my sons and husband from football we got into the house they had a huge punch up the 3 of them, me was the one trying to stop it, ended up with them all falling out with me in a big way, my husband has told me exactly what he thinks of me so now just don't know where I'm going.... they've taken their disagreements out on me, tried to be the peacemaker and ended up In an attacking situation with them alll... I'm done, can't do this anymore I try so hard to be a good mum and wife and I've been seriously slated by the lot of them.... alcohol by them is heavily involved but I know I'm a crap wife and mum I can't help what's going on, tried to call the police to help and phone got disconnected. Just feel I need to be off on my own doing my thing now. None of them respect me or care such an eye opener to me... I'm ready to end... why do I put myself through so much *, can't be putting up with feeling this worthless and defeated anymore....  any help greatly received... I'm so worthless and can't fight anymore...


So sorry you've had this happen.

Don't know what else to say really, I hope you have someone you can talk this over with. It is a big thing to deal with on your own.


Thank you, just totally in shock by this huge outburst, yet in some ways a good thing because what I thought I now know... dreading tomorrow when I face them again.


I'm sending you my best kind thoughts and warmth through the digital media waves.  We are here with you, helping you stand strong during this awful ordeal.   :grouphug:


Dear Eyessoblue, just want to add my support and best wishes to you, this must be a very difficult time. I'm so sorry you have had to deal with such a frightening situation.

Sending you a hug if that feels OK  :hug:


Oh, Eyesofblue. I am so sorry about the awful situation you describe. I haven't posted for a long time but wanted to say that I feel for you and support you.

As you know, my marriage has ended in an absolute nightmare. And like you, the children have got involved. Basically, there is no family anymore, and I am starting to deal with the prospect of life on my own.

Any time you want to talk, I am here for you. I know how hard it is, to feel so worthless and defeated, when you have given so much.

Take care.



Hi Eyessoblue - I am also sending you my support, and a hug (if it feels ok)  :hug:  Thinking of you at this time, and wishing you strength, or whatever will help you to get through this. 
Hope  :)


Dear Eyessoblue,

I'm so sorry, Eyessoblue. I never realised you were dealing with physical aggression and alcohol at home. We are here for you :grouphug:

But the police wasn't?? :pissed: :pissed:  I'm so sorry and angry you got disconnected!

You are worth fighting for. Beyond the support and help you can get here from us directly, check

Also Out of The Fog e.g. on being in a Chosen Relationship with someone with a Personality Disorder, whether or not your H has a PD, there will be helpful information there.


Thank you everyone, just walking on eggshells today and looking at the prospect of life on my own.

Not Alone

So sorry you are in such a difficult and painful situation. My heart aches for you. Please try and be as kind to yourself as you can. Take one moment at a time.  :hug:

Three Roses

So sorry you are in such a difficult and painful situation! You are worth being treated well! And you certainly didn't deserve to be their target. Standing with you.  :hug: :hug:


I'm sorry I am so late, but I want to send you a hug.



Eyessoblue, I am so sorry to hear you are struggling and feeling worthless and scared. :hug:  Just my thoughts here, but if you tried to call the police it may be time to reach out to a women's group so you are safe and have support and information about your next steps (e.g., Hot Peach -  With some support in real life you may be able to give back responsibility to your H and Ss for their behaviour and lives and take care of you.   :yes: