Off for a bit

Started by Elphanigh, May 15, 2019, 03:48:25 PM

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Hi everyone, I know I have not been super present here recently but did want to check in and just say I am going to be taking a break for just a bit.

I am moving to a new place in less than two weeks, and trying to coordinate the end of this chapter but also the start of the new one, which is just a ton to juggle so I need to step away from a few things until it isaccomplished.

I will be back after the 25th, and will be glad to see you all again  :hug:

Deep Blue

Good for you sweetie,
We will be here when you get back

Not Alone

You will still be thought of even though you won't be present. Looking forward to hearing how all of your "new" is going.


Thank you both so much  :grouphug:


Well it has certainly been more than a few days but I am returning. I will likely still not be around a ton but I will be reading more often now that I am settled in some  :cheer:


Welcome back! Hope things went well and are continuing to do so.  :hug:


Thank you, Blueberry  :hug: Thongs are going well, just busy as ever.

Three Roses