Snowdrop's journal

Started by Snowdrop, August 03, 2019, 08:55:24 PM

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Not Alone

Please tell teen that she has been very brave. I am really glad that she has been heard and that she is now safe.


I've just been on an IFS journey, Notalone, and told the teen part how brave she is, and that you care about her. It made a big difference to her, and she says thank you. She appreciates and values your care, as do I. :grouphug:

I visited the teen's protector first. The protector is more settled, and pleased that I'm helping the teen. The protector told me that HB enjoyed tormenting people, including the teen, and despised her. I hadn't thought about it in those terms before, but the protector is right.

After getting the protector's permission, I visited the teen part. She was pleased to see me. I told her how brave and valued she is, that people care about her. She shared various things with me, which I witnessed. Part way through, she said she didn't want to overwhelm me. I said that I could pay her attention and be a witness without being overwhelmed. This made her feel better.

The teen unburdened by putting burdens into a fire pit and setting fire to them. We absorbed the transmuted energy from the fire.

I gave the teen a hamper which she could use to store any burdens she didn't want to carry, but wasn't ready to completely let go of yet. She asked me if her parts could use it too, and I said that they could. She told me how her parts sometimes overwhelmed her, and how she felt as though she'd lost her Self. I told her that she had a Self, and I'd help her find her Self again. This delighted her, and made her feel more her Self.

After I'd finished with this part, I had some extra time left, so I visited the statue destroyer and three year old fighter. Both are doing well.

Not Alone


I've felt a lot more settled since I started working with the teen part. Retrieving her, and helping her to unburden, has been very helpful.

I've also started doing something slightly different with meditation that has been helpful. Without going into details, it involves dissolving polarities, and I can feel it bringing polarised parts into balance. On Saturday, it felt as though it helped the statue-destroyer part integrate with me.

I did a short IFS journey this evening to check on the teen part. She's doing really well, and was willing to burn some more burdens.


I wish I could do all these things you are doing, snowdrop. It sounds incredibly healing.


It really is, Owl. It's taken me a long time to get to this point, but I'm so thankful I've found something that works for me.

Lots of anxiety yesterday and today about the incoming second wave. I think I'm quite hypervigilant too. I'm doing my best to help parts relax and calm down. I'm there with them through this, whatever this is.



Hi Snowdrop,
Sending you a hug  :hug:
Hope  :)


Thank you for the hugs, San and Hope. :hug:

I've not mentioned it elsewhere on the forum, but I'm really looking forward to a session of the Inner Warrior summit on Friday. Richard Schwartz (IFS) is being interviewed by a shamanic practitioner, and as I use IFS with shamanic journeying, I wonder if it might be useful.

If anyone's interested, you can sign up for the summit here: I will post a link to the session when I have it.


The link to the Richard Schwartz session is here: I've not watched it yet. I may post notes here when I do.


I've listened to the session, and it was fascinating. Richard Schwartz spent some time demonstrating IFS by taking the interviewer through an IFS session. This involved identifying a part that was troubled, listening to it, understanding it, bringing it into the present and helping it to unburden. I found it interesting because I don't think I've ever observed an IFS session before. When I first started learning about IFS, I found it helpful to read session transcripts, and listening to this added another layer.

Three Roses

I'm excited about an upcoming IFS event, on Oct 1 being held in Dublin. If you're not already signed up, Snowdrop, I can send you the info.


That sounds very exciting, Three Roses. Please can you let me have details?

Three Roses

I don't remember how I registered for just the October 1 session with Dr Schwartz  :doh: but here is a link to the entire summit on trauma -

Let me know if that doesn't work, I can try emailing the contact in the registration they sent me. (It's free btw)


Perfect, I've signed up. Thank you!