Snowdrop's journal

Started by Snowdrop, August 03, 2019, 08:55:24 PM

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Hi Snowdrop,
I hope you are able to get some rest and recuperate in some comfort.   :hug:
Hope  :)


Quote from: Snowdrop on November 13, 2021, 01:23:01 PM
I'm continuing to rest and relax. The important thing is to not have my nerves under any stress whatsoever. I feel it when anything gives me just the tiniest hint of tension, so I'm telling people I can't have particular conversations, or do particular things. People are respecting this.

Good self-care, Snowdrop :bighug:   Glad people are respecting your requests. Keep up with those blanket days as long as you need them.  :zzz:


Rainy, Hope and Blueberry, thank you for your care and kindness. It means a lot. :grouphug:

I'm feeling quite a bit better today. I mustn't overdo it, though, and continue to get lots of rest. It will be another blanket day, almost certainly a blanket week.


I appreciate you noticing the need for more blanket time and easing into things.  I am wishing comfort and ease for you in the coming days.


mmmm, a blanket week.  sounds so warm, comfy, and comforting.  i hope you're able to be with it and just be as well.  love and hugs, snowdrop. :hug:


A blanket week sounds very comforting, I hope it helps you feel better.


Thank you for your care, Rainy, San and Owl. :grouphug:

I went downhill a bit yesterday afternoon. I had a phonecall with someone who didn't get how nasty shingles can be. They said a few things that raised my stress levels, which set my nerves off. I did my best to calm them down, but it was still quite painful by the evening.

I'm feeling much better this morning. I feel as though I could be active, but I'm not going to be :no:. That would potentially set me back again. So I'm going back to my blanket for more rest and sleep, and this is perfectly ok :yes:.


It most certainly is ok and wise to spend the day resting under blankets. I want to call the person you had a that call with some juvenile insults but I'll refrain.  ;D

Rest up, Snowdrop


ditto - it is absolutely ok to take blanket time whenever you feel like it.  love and hugs :hug:



Thank you Armee, San and Larry. :grouphug:

Another blanket day :zzz:. There are definite signs of improvement, but I'm continuing to rest.

Not Alone

Back to the blanket for more rest and sleep is absolutely okay and also wise. You're doing a great job of self-care.  :hug:


I'm grateful you are taking time in a way that is supporting you right now. 


nice to hear you are getting some rest ! 


Hi Snowdrop,

Sounds like setting boundaries are working well for you - you deserve the rest and your own space.
