Stutter - Deep Blue

Started by Deep Blue, December 02, 2019, 01:54:14 AM

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so glad both your son and you are feeling better - that's a big win!

great that seeing your t helped you.  those funks can be really obnoxious, so any movement out of them is a plus.

love you,  sending a hug full of continued health and well-being. :hug:

Deep Blue

I was glad to sleep in today instead of going to work: but my day has been busier than expected. I am staying home to take care of my son cuz he has flu but it has not been a relaxing day!!!

Got up with him but he wasn't hungry this morning.  Gave him his meds, which he promptly spit back out all over himself. Ahhh! So I clean that up and change him.  He eats nibbles for breakfast but around 10 says he's tired.

I put him down for a nap. I'm doing 4 loads of laundry. 1 of mine, 1 of my husband's and 2 of my kid's trying to sanitize.

The nap was only 8 minutes and he came down crying saying he can't sleep because his nose hurts.  Then the proceeds to throw up on the couch (even though there was a bucket inches from him)

Ugh, so I dump him in the tub and am moving laundry up and down stairs.  He's enjoying his bath for about 20 min.  He's almost 6 so I don't need to eyeball him when he's in the tub.  Then he yells he needs me.  I go upstairs and he pooped in the tub!!!!!! Come on!!!!!!!

So I moved him to shower and cleaned and bleached the tub.  Ugh.  I can't believe he did that! Then I'm grossed out while trying to clean it so I start throwing up. 

I'm so tired... I just want my husband to come home tonight and to get to bed early.



Dear Deep Blue,
I am so sorry that you've had all these things to cope with today - it sounds really hard, and you must be exhausted.  I hope your husband will be home soon, and that you can hopefully have some much needed sleep. You deserve that sleep - and I hope you can rest soon.
Take care,  :hug:
Hope  :)



o my heart and soul - what a day!  i hope you get rest soon, that hubby gets there to help you out.  wow!  love and hugs, db. :hug:

Deep Blue

Wow! 3.4 miles just walking up and down stairs doing laundry and taking care of my son today.

Thanks for the love you guys. My husband got home about an hour ago and it is making my life so much easier.

I took a shower and washed the crazy day down the drain.

It's gonna be ok.   :hug:


Deep Blue: ..."It's gonna be ok."  :cheer: So relieved to have read that.  :hug:

Three Roses

Oh Deep Blue, I'm so sorry to hear your son has been so ill.  :hug: Yes, everything will be okay - I hope you can get some much needed rest.  :hug:

Deep Blue

I'm in a play right now.  I tried to quit it 4 times!

Each year I am in a play fo raise money for a local charity.  The other performers are current and retired teachers.  I have done this for a number of years.  This will be my 8th one! I usually look forward to them each year but this year is a mess. I'm too busy and I tried to tell the director several times I don't have the time for it.

Unfortunately, as someone with CPTSD I struggle with anyone getting mad at me. I think it's my fawn response... so yeah now I'm stuck doing the tempest and I hate every second of it.

Oh well, love ya all... maybe it won't be as bad as I think??? Ha ha hope so


 :hug: :hug: :hug:

it takes practice allowing people their own anger.  we haven't had the best track records w/ people being angry w/ us.  i get it.

break a leg!  sending love and a hug filled w/ hope that it's not as bad as you're anticipating. :hug:


Setting boundaries to people who expect stuff from us is so hard. Especially if you feel like you owe them stuff, or if they get angry or use the card "but you have done it before"/"it used to be okay before".

I'm angry at your director for not listening!

I hope you manage to pull through okay.

Deep Blue

Thanks for being angry for me Sceal!

First time I told him I couldn't do it this year because Of the 2 new classes I was teaching... he replied, " yeah it will be fine I'll get you a script"

The next time i said I have too many other commitments and don't have time for it... he replied, "yeah it's fine, I'll give you a small role"

The 3rd time I said I don't want to do the play this year... he replied, "you will be playing the role of boatswain"

In my last attempt I just said I can't! I don't even have time for rehearsals! He replied, that's fine, you don't have to come except the week of the play.  :doh:

So yeah.... boundaries are so hard!!!!
:Idunno: :blink:


wow - that sounds rough.  poo on that guy!!!  sometimes, the only thing we can do is say 'no, i'm not going to do it' and walk, don't show up for rehearsals, don't show up for the play.  people like that who are totally disrespectful will always find a  way around our reasons.  it's a tough lesson to learn, (took me more years than i can count) an even tougher action to accomplish.  let the understudy do it - you're not responsible for this play.

i know that's easier said than done, especially when anger is a threat.  hopefully, this is a step closer to not having to do it next time.  all those steps count. 

i'm w/ sceal.  i once heard the phrase - if you need something done, ask a busy person to do it.  i hate the concept behind that.  love you, db.   :hug:

Deep Blue

We are not a professional acting troupe... no understudies here.  The people I would be letting down are my fellow educators and not the pushy director anyway.

So yeah, it's just a week. I can do it.  Hopefully we will have a better script next year.