My family yells at me when I cough. I’m still in fear when they’re not yelling

Started by Pretendfamily, January 12, 2020, 07:59:25 PM

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My narcissistic family is annoyed that I cough so every time I coughed they would do threaten to call the police and say that I attacked him or do something that causes panic in me like yell at me. Every time I cough I have a fear that someone will yell at me. The fear makes me feel vulnerable and they know this. I don't know how to get rid of it, the fear of being yelled at when I cough is present even when no one yells at me anymore. Any help is appreciated just can't go to a therapist.

Not Alone


I see from your other posts you are living with your family and I suggested you contact Family and Children's Services to see if there's any aid they can give you.  It's an idea to let your family doctor know, s/he may be able to help too.

BY the way, curious as to why you chose the name PretendFamily as your pseudonym here?


Hi Pretendfamily, that is very familiar to me, my ex husband and family would also scream at me for coughing and wheezing. The worst part is I am 100% deaf in my right ear and I was constantly demeaned, humiliated and verbally abused because I said, "what"? Try to get therapy online, I speak to one once a week. Its good to be validated. Hope you find a way to leave your abusers, it does help.
