Three Good Things Today ... Part 6

Started by Kizzie, February 25, 2020, 07:05:30 PM

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 :thumbup: 3R
I finally had a bath and hairwash
Being allowed to use a friend's bathtub when she is out at work
My pet starting eating again (he wasn't doing much of that Sun evening) so I didn't have to take him to the vet's after all


1 I've woken up.

2 I've eaten breakfast

3 Comfortable clothes.


... in the past 24 hours

1) I got up this morning at day-break and did some replanting in the garden before the rain.
2) I gave one of my pets her pain medication
3) I did a little EFT
4) I boiled up my soup bones again yesterday evening and had some nutritious soup.
5) I did eventually accept the 'present' of some berries from a neighbour's mother but I did not allow the mother to pressure me into doing what she wanted
6) I went for a little cycle yesterday evening


Weekend was over. To me, that's good.
I left the house.
I hid my disregulation.


1) I got up
2) I taught my second lesson well, despite not having prepared for it. (First lesson taught well too, but I prepared for it.)
3) I found my appointments' diary again.

Three Roses

1. Had a great Zoom meeting.
2. Laughed HARD on the phone with a friend.
3. Took a nap.


Three Rose's I'm so glad you laughed.

1. Clear blood and scan result.

2. Sitting in a lovely garden.

3. Evening treats to look forward too.


1 I played a game and enjoyed it.

2 Sausages, yum

3 My SO.


1) I went for a paddle in the stream on my street
2) I feel cooler on account of the paddle
3) I did some cleaning and tidying up, chiefly of floors
4) I've done some laundry too and hung it up in the garden
5) I went barefoot into the garden
6) I told a neighbour's mother what I think of her gifts-with-requests and reiterated the physical boundaries of my part of the garden and my items in garden, all without blowing a fuse or even raising my voice. Though I did point out she seems very 'forgetful'
7) I looked at my flowers blooming in the garden (those that are surviving the heat wave that is)


1) Got a lot of housework done today including 3 loads of laundry
2) It's still summer but it cooled off a bit today which is a relief
3) In the early evening sun I sat in the garden with my feet up and eyes closed simply relaxing. In addition simply enjoying: the warmth, sound of the wind in the trees, feel of the now gentler sun on me, nothing to do, nothing to accomplish - simply being.
4) I also enjoyed sitting there eyes open looking up into the crown of a tree


1.  Help daughter w/wedding plans - optimism and the beauty of youth
2.  Free time w/my sweet husband - giving and receiving love in a healthy way
3.  Finished my taxes - such relief!


1. A kind gentle friend who does care.

2. I managed to clear two rooms before I slept.

3. A few beautiful memories.

4. Mini Rolos.


1 Happy sounds in my house

2 Soft toys

3 A day with no plans


1) Got a lot of jobs done around town and in my apartment, garden, and even office

2) The weather was nice and warm

3) I got to pick mirabelle plums in someone's garden and came away with apples and pears as well


1. I ate today and didn't feel guilty about it!
2. I went to the grocery store and didn't feel very anxious.
3. I did laundry!