I'm grateful for...

Started by C., April 06, 2015, 09:57:52 PM

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I noticed that we have a topic for how I feel and what I've realized.  I've come across the idea that gratitude contributes to joy and happiness.  I've noticed and appreciated comments related to gratitude.  So I thought it might be nice to keep a list of things for which we're grateful for in spite of, as a result of, in addition to, etc. C-PTSD.


I'll start with

The sensitivity and empathy that I've developed, in part, as a result of my C-PTSD.  I know how to respond and help a person who's experiencing a lot of anxiety.  I am probably better at this than a lot of people.

Anyone else have some things they're grateful for?


Shameless bump of a very useful topic.

I'm grateful for my daughter, and my cat, and my home.

And my friends. And the summer.


C, I'm grateful that you started this thread. THANK YOU!

I often have to stop in the midst of some thought or action that doesn't serve me well to remind myself that I have so much in my world that is good.
Sometimes I forget that there are others who are sad, hurt, scared...who need love...and understanding; I can't be there for someone else if I'm feeling sorry for me.
I think of how fortunate I am to have resources available to me that help create a different mindset needed to get unstuck, etc.
I think how for the last week, how I found this site and it has helped me so much!

Awesome idea you have here!


Today, I feel very good. I have, in the past week, gotten a physical and a mammogram, both of which were 10 years overdue.

I am grateful that I have Pete Walker's book From surviving To Thriving to read, this site as a source of knowledge and comfort and a little more ground with which to work on me.

I feel good about myself for being honest with my new doctor about me and where I am presently with regard to mental health. I do believe that I am finally beginning to understand what self care means and I am VERY grateful for that!

Thank you to each and every one of you for being here. I am grateful for you and your gifts.


I'm grateful that even though I am going through a tough time, I trust there is a reason for why I am here, and that I will get to where I want to be, even if its not in the form I expected.

Microphone drop.

Golden Tapestry

I'm am so grateful that I have access to the internet and was finally able to understand fully that "It was not me", "I am not crazy", "I am not being paranoid", etc. 

One day as I was searching for the traits of a family member, trying to figure out what is wrong with her, I came across an excerpt from a book and I had a small breakdown.  A large part of my entire life that I was never fully able to explain was written down for me to read by someone else.  As if they had interviewed me and wrote my story.  It was devastating to see the truth written down on paper.  But oh, so very clear.

Because of what I found that day, I am able to move forward.  I am no longer in pain because I was never good enough.  I am no longer "begging" for what was never there in the first place.  I am forever grateful that I read those words and have found people who I can share my burden with.

I am relearning inner child healing and using it continuously.  I had to start at the stage of a little one in diapers and have moved through a few ages.  I am now starting at my 12 year old.  I'm sure I will go back to an earlier child again but for now, this feels right. 

I was given a gift that day I found the excerpt.  I wish it had come many years ago but better late than never.  I am tired a lot and sad a lot and it sure feels like a lot of work, but it is work that I want to do more than anything I've wanted in a very long time.  I'm a very hard worker.

I am grateful that I still have life left and the courage to find and love the little me that they tried to destroy.  They tried really hard to destroy me but I'm still here....   ;)