Started by Bach, July 12, 2020, 03:44:44 AM

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Here are some tiny flowers  for my friends :wave: I took the picture with Bach's phone last spring.


 :hug: those are pretty it looks like someone collared on the pedals.


Hi little  :wave: :hug: It's nice to see you. I'm very not happy and not feeling good today. But Bach gave me her phone to find a picture in so look how much this bee loves this flower. This B loves flowers too, and other stuff. Bach doesn't like her smartphone very much because she says it feels like a toxic friend but I like it because sometimes I get to take fun pictures on it.


 :wave: hi Bach, 
I I am scared of bees they don't like me.  I got stung by one once.  And it really hurt my foot my mom just laughed at me looked at it said that the stinger isn't in it so I I was fine.  Is a pretty picture though. :hug:


I used to be scared of bees but then I learned how they're good for flowers and plants and stuff and that they don't like to sting you unless they have to. So now I like them and I leave them alone and don't get too close except taking pictures. But since you are scared of bees here's a butterfly for you!


 :hug: I like your monarch!  Here's a pretty butterfly I I ttook bbut I I ddon't know what kind it is. And I ddont know how to make it a link like you.


Hi it's Little B.  Usually no one notices I'm here but this morning Bach was walking too fast and I was alone and really scared and I yelled loud enough to make her notice.  Then she was nice to me for a while, she slowed down and held my hand and then gave me a piggy back ride, and let my sister Middle B stop to take a picture of a flower.  That was fun but now Bach is all weird and scary again and I don't know why she can't just be nice all the time.  But my sister said I could come here and share the picture she took of the flower.  I think it is very pretty.

Not Alone

Hi. I'm not around very much lately, but wanted to say hi. from Hope.  :heythere:


Hi Hope, and little B,
I I am Little,  I'm nnot sure one met you.  I like middle B's photos I I tried to put a to put a picture of a butterfly ppicture up tto bbut it says someone has to to ok it. :Idunno:
I'm about 4 I'm glad to be your friend if you want to be my friend. :hug: 

Little B I'm sorry Bach is having a rough time Tee is too.☹️  I'm glad you got a piggy back ride though. :hug:

Not Alone

I will be your friend. from Hope.


 :wave: hi Hope,
How are you tonight?  How old are you?  What ddo you llike tto ddo for ffun?

Not Alone

I am 5. I have a doll named Harriet. I like to put stickers in Notalone's journal.   :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
from Hope


 :cheer: stickers are ffun.  I have a couple of dolls mmy grandma mmade mme.  One is bbaby Ttee and the other is Angle. I'm about 4 I I think. I'm glad you are my friend of you want to be. :grouphug:
They call me Little

Not Alone

Little, I feel like giving you a big hug.  :grouphug:
from Hope  :wave:


 :hug: I I like hugs bbut I'm sore rright note ccause Ttee was in a car wreck so so it has tto to be an easy hug  :bigwink: