Fed up. Com fatigue /pain issues

Started by Boatsetsailrose, August 05, 2020, 07:15:41 AM

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I was convinced I'd healed from my severe fatigue /pain issues. Just had amazing 2 wks life was opening up again. Been having chakra healing.
I'm still hopeful and the fact I had 2 good wks is great..
Back on the bed now... Fed up frustrated



So sorry to hear this Boats  :hug:   My pain/fatigue comes and goes too and I find it really frustrating.  :pissed:  Trauma is hard on our bodies sadly. 


Hi both
Thanks blueberry for the hug
Thanks kizzie... Yes it is frustrating and upsetting at times isn't it. I didn't know u had it too. Today been having some more acceptance around it.
Do u have a pattern to yours?


Acceptance is key I agree, we have a lot more going on than non-survivors that takes a toll on our bodies. 

My fatigue has improved since I was seen for sleep apnea and am now using a CPAP but I also rest more because our bodies are just that much more tired I think due to the stress hormones we deal with. When I am stressed more than usual though my insomnia comes back, as does my pain/inflammation.

Quite a few research studies here about physical comorbidities - https://www.outofthestorm.website/comorbidities-physical.  Sadly, few medical/MH professionals know much about the link between trauma and physical health but imo it's imperative they do so the physical impacts of trauma are identified and treated/prevented earlier on in our lives.

Anyway, not to blather on but I hope you're feeling better.


Hello Boats,

I didn't feel up to writing anything the other night. Just a thought: you know about steps forward and then a step back and then forwards again. Maybe this is a little 'step back' phase while you re-group?

I seemed to be having a pattern before all this covid stuff. I'd go down with a really bad cold about every 3 weeks. Take 2 weeks to recover. 3 OK weeks, back down again with cold. Going down with a cold was my body's way of pulling on the brakes for years.


Thank you kizzy..
Always good to hear others experience on physical Co... And what's been helpful...
Gee like we need anything else to contend with..
Another facet of the long term problems hey..
So grateful to know it could be part of that and that there is help and support Inc research...


Hi blueberry
No problem
Good to hear you when ever u have it... Sometimes we don't hey and thats OK..
Ah yes that's a good way to look at it
'step back phase whilst re group..
Yep I'm again looking at the pattern..
I'm grateful I'm getting more life because of this the emotional impact  when it's a set back feels bigger....
Keeping a diary of activities and flares and remembering I'm not as bad as I was so to keep in that groove...
re group to find the new balance..
Thanks blueberry...
Hope u are well today..
I will make an effort to be on a bit more so can support others..