Letter to my friend

Started by rainydiary, March 24, 2021, 01:39:00 AM

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Dear Friend,

I am extremely hurt and confused by your recent behavior.  You are ignoring me.

You shared your ideas and thoughts with me in a way I found unhelpful.  I shared with you (which is a big step for me) that it wasn't helpful.  I tried to share my position in an adult manner.  And now it feels like you have taken yourself out of my life. 

I get the sense that my recent positions, emotions, and experiences are overwhelming to you.  Perhaps I am triggering you.  Perhaps you don't agree with me.  Perhaps we are growing apart. 

This hurts because I have spent my life leaning and being left by others.  I moved so much growing up that I don't have any connection to people I knew when I was young.  I've watched people that were my best friends move on.  Out of sight, out of mind?  I don't fault anyone for this but it hurts. 

Even though I am hurt, I dread what will happen if you do decide to reach out. 

I wish I could let go of how I feel.  I wish I could stop wondering why this shift has occurred.  I wish I could stop seeing the differences in how you are treating me.