Inner Child Work without the Space

Started by CactusFlower, April 26, 2021, 04:14:49 PM

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While getting a few things like toys and glitter pens and all have been fun and helpful, I live in an older home that isn't very big. I've had to be creative in how I indulge my Inner Child(ren) to help myself heal. One way is virtually. I play Animal Crossing on the Switch. You can customize your character immensely, your home, you name it. (and all the other characters are nice to you and fun.) So I made one of of my characters up as if she IS my Inner Child. She has a house with all the things she likes in whatever color she likes, fun comfy clothes, pretty dress-up things, "boy toys" if she wants them (although the RC helicopter comes in pink also), all kinds of stuff.  She can run around and no one tells her to stop or sit still or be quiet. She can go fishing or catch ladybugs or eat fruit off trees, or even dig holes everywhere or dance in the middle of the plaza. Sometimes, you just have to be a little flexible and creative to get the things and healing you need.  Doing all this has helped her trust more and be more open with me, and I've grown to the point where I bought a pink tshirt!  (I told myself for years I hated that color) Let's see if I can put some pictures in here...
well, it doesn't want to show them. So go here and look at the several most recent pic posts and it's the character with pigtails. (or just April 2021 posts depending on when you read this.)


That sounds like a really neat idea! I'm going to try something similar. Thank you for sharing. :)

Not Alone

What a creative way to allow your inner children to play, explore and be creative.  :applause: