I don't even know where to begin. Hello!

Started by Tyr, May 22, 2021, 12:55:04 AM

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I have been in therapy since shortly after I got out of the "main" trauma situation. That's 8 years ago, now. But I've never actually had directed and structured trauma therapy, just various assessments and casual talks of everyday things and then, after that clearly hadn't worked, all the efforts went into keeping me stable from the psychosis I had ended up developing. After that got stabilised my physical health started degrading progressively, and now I'm using a wheelchair to get about.

So uh yeah... My life after age 4 can be sorted into "living with mother", "traumatised teen", "psychotic teen", and now "disabled wreck of a young adult". Some of the doctors even think that my physical disability is a direct result of the trauma.

My official diagnoses are fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, paranoid schizophrenia, complex PTSD, mixed dissociative disorder, autism, ADHD, and unspecified tics. The physical things are still being evaluated more, and guess what! On May 31st I start my first session of imaginary exposure for my prolonged exposure therapy for the trauma. I'm nervous as all *.

Hope to find this forum helpful.


Hello Tyr! Good luck with the exposure therapy!


Good luck! Go extremely gentle. It can be effective but brutal. Give yourself lots of love and support.


Welcome Tyr,

I'm sorry you went through all of that. It sounds horrible and it certainly has had a disastrous effect on your health, both physically and mentally. The mental health diagnoses you mention sound frightening, yet familiar. I hope the further physical diagnoses are helpful to explain what is going on and hopefully help to improve things.

I'm not familiar with imaginary therapy but I hope it is helpful for you. It makes sense that you're nervous, I would be too!

I hope you find this forum helpful as well, there are some great people and information here.

All the best to you on your healing journey. :)