She is a 'Piece of Work'

Started by bluepalm, August 07, 2021, 11:24:47 PM

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I have recently, and most reluctantly, identified one of my cousins as being a person who has been harming me, quite deliberately, under the guise of family and friendship. She probably felt secure in believing I wouldn't go 'no contact' because, being fairly isolated and living alone, I have valued and nurtured our relationship over many years and expressed the wish that she be like a sister to me. However, she recently made a comment that was the proverbial straw that broke my back and I asked her not to contact me. She complied immediately with my request, which indicated to me that I was merely serving as a source of supply' for her narcissism. I now feel great relief, which indicates to me that my mind and body had been absorbing and forgiving her hostility for a long long time.
"The literal meaning of the term a piece of work is a work is the product produced through someone's efforts. However, a piece of work is also used as an idiom to describe someone who is unpleasant, dishonest, hard to deal with, of low character. When used in this fashion, a piece of work is a derogatory phrase." 

A 'Piece of Work' *

It was a slow boil. 

The realisation came
reluctantly, over many years.

Over many gut instinctual
reactions suppressed.

Over multiple shocks
at her conduct set aside.

Over ignoring my
recoiling from her words.

Slowly the deep desire
that this woman
be 'like a sister to me'

With the unravelling
came relief.

For she is truly
'a piece of work'.


I'm so sorry she wasn't who you hoped/thought she was bluepalm.  I know that sense of relief you talk about, as though a heavy weight has been lifted and you can breathe and relax again. 




Wow! You said it well. And you deserve credit for looking at the entire history.  :applause: The "straw" often gets the most attention.  I've been exactly where you were/are with two relatives. It's empowering to take action and stop being hurt repeatedly. Despite being painful, it's a sign of self-love and growth, which is to be celebrated.  :cheer:

Keep writing!  :yes: