Five Kinds of Parental Narcissism

Started by dollyvee, December 28, 2022, 11:23:08 AM

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I have been quietly following along with this thread. It's really wild that changes I have seen in my adult life. I feel like I'm being constantly confronted with situations like mine where people are now either listening to the victims, really listening, or offering support and even justice. I mean to victims who were victimised 20 years ago. I am so grateful to Kizzie for talking for those of us who find it extremely difficult. I wish I could just hide in the background of those calls. Whenever things are feeling really bad I hear another story of someone in a similar situation than I was in and it being addressed majorly differently it makes me feel validated and heard, even though I never spoke. Misogyny is horrible, but it's changing too. It will change. I have hope. You all give me hope.


I was just sat here thinking of my son's medical class as I read your post Bermuda and am happy to say it's it is half female and half male and has students of all colours. If that doesn't bring about change, movement away from the old male, pale and stale (misogyny) approach, I don't know what will.  The class took on a prof a while ago who they felt was fat shaming patients in his lectures and the Chair of the dept had a word with him so huzzah! 

Anyway, I hope and pray those in medicine will learn about trauma (and cultural/gender tolerance) in a meaningful way because they are the gatekeepers to treatment and care. I have hope too  :yes:   

PS - I tell most medical people I encounter about this forum just in case their interest is piqued enough to have a look.  My hope is it may help spread the word - every little bit helps  :)  You're right about Gabor Mate Dolly, he is doing a lot to spread the word bless his heart and being a physician himself, he has more ears than us. Christine Courtois is also making it clear it's not us, it's what happened to use, along with Julian Ford, Marylene Cloitre and Judith Herman to name a few.