Free Event: Summit about Narcissism March 30th - 2nd April 2023

Started by Hope67, February 18, 2023, 06:30:54 PM

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Hi everyone,
There is a Free Summit about Narcissism organised by JungPlatform.

The dates of this summit are March 30th to April 2nd 2023 and a link to the registration page is here:
Hope  :)


Halleluyah, narcissism is finally being recognized "Narcissism has become one of the most trending topics of our culture".  Personally I have to say thank you Donald Trump, we can no longer ignore those with NPD because they are abusive and dangerous if/when they get into positions of power, everything from a parent to a president.

Having grown up with an N parent and surrounded by many family N's I know just how massively abusive they can be.

Tks for posting this Hope  :hug:


There's a session about N parents if you happen to have grown up with one:

In this session psychoanalyst Daniel Shaw reviews the effects 'traumatizing narcissists' can have in families. He describes how narcissists create a relational system of subjugation. Narcissists intimidate, belittle, and humiliate the people around them. They require the other to become an object for them. Narcissistic parents resent their childrens' dependency and shame their children for their natural needs. Consequently, people that grow up in these abusive relational systems oftentimes blame themselves for things they aren't the cause of. They become alienated from themselves. They feel trapped, work hard on themselves, and try to be the person the narcissistic other wants them to be. But they could also become like the narcissistic parent, feeling superior and shaming others for being needy and small. In his work with survivors of narcissistic abuse Daniel Shaw focuses on understanding the dynamics of narcissism better and he helps survivors retrieve a healthy sense of self.

In this session, you will discover:

How to identify a 'traumatizing narcissist'
The effects of growing up in an abusive relational system
How to deal with narcissistic parents in adulthood


Hi Kizzie,
Yes, that session does look particularly helpful, I'll definitely be trying to watch that one, as well as some of the others too (hopefully).
Hope  :)