Miscellaneous ramblings of NarcKiddo

Started by NarcKiddo, June 20, 2023, 04:09:08 PM

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Sorry to hear you got a jerk of a doc, Narco.

Ive tried in the past being very very rude, testy, interrupting, and repeating questions when I encounter a doctor (or anyone) like that. Basically I become a jerk like them. This actually works to a certain extent. The message usually passes that I am not happy with this person's "manner". What upsets me about this is that afterwards I feel like I was "forced" to do that in order to get my needs met. And I don't like the idea of becoming a jerk to get my needs met. I'm even more extreme when it's something for my kids. Sadly, I feel I have to be this way with people who are insensitive and uncaring. But that kinda sucks all around...
Sorry again for your situation. I also wanted to add that diaphragm and abdominal exercises and strengthening could also help your lungs a lot. I use the Guillarme Method, but Ive not found this method in English anywhere (only French... but it's actually Swiss I think...)


Hi NK,

I'm sorry that you're going through a lot of health stuff right now. That really sucks. I have had my fair share of doctor over the years dismiss me when I was sick and basically say it's all in my head, or something along the lines of who do I think I am. So, yeah frustrating and relatable that they don't listen. I have found a couple that did, but they didn't offer the help or answers to what was going on, and were just supportive in the measures I was taking for myself.

I hope you're able to take some space for yourself and deal with the stresses that are coming up.

Sending you support,


Thanks, everyone.

Chart - thank you for the links. I'll check them out. I have basic French so I'm sure I'll get the gist at least.


i've gotten to dread going to see docs for this very reason, NK.  too many are jerks.  very sorry you have to put up with this - it totally sucks.  i hope you do not have cancer and they find something very treatable/curable and easy to manage.  best to you w/ all of it.  love and hugs :hug:


Very cool. The video is visual which helps. I can't emphasize how much this technique is helping me. I'm actually putting my inguinal hernia back in order with this as well. I sleep better and am certain that a great deal of my trauma "processing" is accelerated by the fact that I simply breath well much more of the time.
If I can help in any way with translation don't hesitate, I'm more than willing. I've even considered contacting the folks and asking why their site doesn't have an English version... :)

Desert Flower

To have a doctor like that sucks NarcKiddo. And I can totally understand you'd not be able to handle much more after that too. Hang in there.


Good grief, I just hate hearing experiences like what you went through and I'm so sorry it put you into a slump. I cannot believe he would leave you on the cancer pathway in such a brusque manner.  Very understandable you are upset and personally I think many physicians and specialists do need a kick in the rump. Being busy is no excuse, you must listen to your patients, it's what you do when you sign on to medicine. Many of us have had to get grumpy and pushy in return like Chart has suggested, but it's no way to interact. We all need to work to get the "care" back in healthcare.   

The project I am about to launch is going to capture these types of experiences so we can make it clear from our perspective (trauma survivors), that far too many medical (and mental health) professionals are failing us. There will be a study which will hopefully be pushed out via a medical journal, and a resource developed about Complex Trauma/CPTSD and TIC. It will be pushed out to medical education institutions (because few have education and training about CT), and made available at OOTS and the Complex Trauma Special Interest Group at ISTSS. What we have to say about our care will be the kick in the butt or reminder to offer actual care.

Anyway, I'm sorry you were shut down and then left to ponder possibly having cancer with no real care as to the impact on you.  It's inexcusable IMO.