Healing journal (tw) Angering / strong emotions

Started by StartingHealing, September 24, 2023, 07:11:21 PM

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In some ways the same in some not so much  ;D  Considering that all of this here, it's just ones and zero's that reside on some storage device somewhere that's connected to the interwebs.  It's us humans that give meaning you know?  Spoken or written language is a pale pale thing when using it to attempt to explain experiences that fall outside the "norm".  Even poetry, which is better conveying the emotional context but even then.. Ahh the paradox raises it's head again, have a mystical experience and know without doubt the connectedness of everything everywhere and the words cannot do it justice no matter how many is used.

Wishing you all the best 


4 March 2024

quick little note here.  I have been made aware of how much of my human has been influenced from people, society, locations, outside of the myself.  The family members and family dynamics, then with the former spouse.  I know that it's a common thing, part of the survival mechanism to align more with the family unit / tribe.

 And yet, 

Well, how much of what I came into this realm with got pruned, atrophied, or otherwise jacked up?  What innate traits / abilities are dormant?  I think I'll find a good hypnotherapist and have a go at clearing, get some water and sunlight on those bits that have atrophied and perhaps if the root of what was pruned still exists then stimulate those bits into growth.  And along the way also become better in resistance to manipulation / propaganda.

Would be nice to be able to use plant teachers.  Perhaps in the future.

Wishing all the best to all the brave souls here

Papa Coco


I share a few similarities with you. It seems we both share a sense that we are bigger than our physical bodies and that our physical lives were altered by the behaviors of our tribes. I found this post to be especially interesting today because I'm exploring the same question: How can I find, recover and experience my authentic self?

I for one was never, ever, ever allowed to talk about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I gave up early on all of my dreams and my self-image as a human with equal rights as other humans. I know who I became--a servant to everyone--, but I'm still bothered by trying to remember who I'd come here to be. On my death bed, will I suddenly remember "Oh YAH! I forgot I was going to do ______ while I was here."?

I'm learning to accept that being knocked off my own path as a child may actually be what I came here to experience, like in the old sayings around "it's not how we fall that defines us, but how we get back up again." What if my life's path was to be taken off my life's path by toxic people in a toxic culture, and then learn a ton about life by how I gained the strength to overcome a bad start to life?

You're inspiring me to go to my own daily journal and post about this right now. I won't hijack your journal with my own dramas, but your post has inspired a lot of thought in me this morning :)

Be well


Hi PC.

I believe that we are larger than our physical frames.  The overlap of, for lack of a better term, realms, the interplay between them all is what I believe gives rise to our experiences. 

Is the 'path' that we have gone down, the only one?  Or is it possible that part of our path is only a detour and because of the indoctrination and propaganda that has been internalized we think that it is all that is possible? 

My mentor, hugely spiritually knowledgeable, once opined that our souls have multiple paths that are possible.  In my case, the actions I took in extracting myself from the crazy of the former spouse, put me on a different path.  Since that happened, I can say without hesitation that I'm now going towards the core of the who I am when I entered the earthly realm.   I admit that not having external feedback in this does get a wee bit funky.  Learning to trust the self that I am aware of.

Wishing you all the best


I reached out to a hypnotherapist and I have yet gotten any indication that they have a open slot.  I'm waiting for awhile and if after a while, that specific one, I'll reach out to another.  Trying to allow the universe to work things out for me.

Wishing all here all the best