Healing journal (tw) Angering / strong emotions

Started by StartingHealing, September 24, 2023, 07:11:21 PM

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Papa Coco


I hope the best for your energy healing. I know it can do wonders. And about nutrition: I struggle with that. My digestion is so badly damaged that when I clean up and eat all the right foods, I actually suffer serious digestive issues. when I try to learn about ways to eat healthy, I find millions of opposing opinions about what eating healthy even means.

But I believe you are correct. Back when I dould process apple fiber, corn, soy, almonds, fresh vegetables, etc, I slept better. Now that I have to eat milder foods, and I have to carb up with bad carbs if I want digestion to even work, I don't sleep anymore.

I had a bout with a tooth infection in January. I went on antibiotics, which completely tore my digestive system to shreds. Friends talked me into trying a cup of Kifer and a few spoonfuls of fresh sauerkraut each day and by golly, those are helpful. I've recovered from the antibiotics, and have gotten a bit better with my digestion. I'm able to eat a fresh salad every day now...Heavy on the word Fresh. If the veggies are even slightly near the edge of fresh, I go into a bad place stomach and intestinally. So, for me, eating properly is a learning process that I have to take on, but I have to be careful. What is healthy for others isn't so for me. But I'll work it. Nobody is going to fix this for me, I have to fix it myself.

Your post has encouraged me to go down into the kitchen right now and cut up some fresh veggies for a mid-day snack. 


Hi StartingHealing,

I resonate with the muscle armouring and think I have quite a fair bit of that. The book I've been reading lately, Healing Developmental Trauma and The Practical Guide to Healing Developmental Trauma, touch on this (no pun intended), and discuss Neuroaffective Touch to help with those suppressed emotions. I'm noticing a lot more body stuff come up as well as I go through the book. I hope your energyy healing is able to help you with that.

Sending you support,


Quote from: Papa Coco on February 21, 2024, 10:16:47 PMStartingHealing,

I hope the best for your energy healing.Thank you I know it can do wonders. And about nutrition: I struggle with that. My digestion is so badly damaged that when I clean up and eat all the right foods, I actually suffer serious digestive issues. when I try to learn about ways to eat healthy, I find millions of opposing opinions about what eating healthy even means. Oh indeed.  there is so much BS because it's adjacent to the diet industry.  What I do is get a list of supplements, herbs, etc.  and then do my own research.  I do a huge amount of correlation. I also do research outside of FDA and manufacturer "supposed" studies which here in the USA they are allowed to cherry pick what data to report.  yeah.   :pissed:   Then I cross reference and then see if there are any contra indications for anything.  I don't want any unwanted effects.

But I believe you are correct. Back when I could process apple fiber, corn, soy, almonds, fresh vegetables, etc, I slept better. Now that I have to eat milder foods, and I have to carb up with bad carbs if I want digestion to even work, I don't sleep anymore.  Sleep is a very important thing. That sucks. You are doing organic on everything right?  I have enough data that strongly indicates that GMO's or 'bio-engineered' are not good for any dam- thing.  Corn, soy, and wheat are usually GMO now.  Some apples are GMO. When will the idiots learn?  don't F with things. 

I had a bout with a tooth infection in January.Have you looked into colloidal silver?  You can make it at home.  let me know and I can give you all the skinny. What's good with CS is that it only affects gram negative critters which is typically the ones that are not good for us humans. Not to mention there is NO reported deaths associated with it. It helps with nerve function as well I went on antibiotics, which completely tore my digestive system to shreds. Friends talked me into trying a cup of Kifer and a few spoonfuls of fresh sauerkraut each day and by golly, those are helpful. Probiotics are major important.  That is a good thing you are doing there.  There are certain strains that actually increase dopamine and serotonin. And some that help with the digestion of fiber.  I've recovered from the antibiotics, and have gotten a bit better with my digestion. I'm able to eat a fresh salad every day now...Heavy on the word Fresh. Indeed, I prefer farmers markets. Shoot if you think about it the produce in the typical grocery store is anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months and picked green. If the veggies are even slightly near the edge of fresh, I go into a bad place stomach and intestinally. So, for me, eating properly is a learning process that I have to take on, but I have to be careful. What is healthy for others isn't so for me. But I'll work it. Nobody is going to fix this for me, I have to fix it myself. I know that at times it seems overwhelming but it's also something that we need to do instead of outsourcing our health to the cult of the white lab coats.  What pushed me there was I got a sinus infection that was antibiotic resistant. After 60 days..  I cleared that with CS, herbs, etc.

Your post has encouraged me to go down into the kitchen right now and cut up some fresh veggies for a mid-day snack.

http://orthomolecular.org/ is a good resource.  I also use a pendulum to confirm and also to indicate how much of what of my stack I take a day and when.  So far batting 100.


Quote from: dollyvee on February 22, 2024, 08:22:39 AMHi StartingHealing,

I resonate with the muscle armouring and think I have quite a fair bit of that. The book I've been reading lately, Healing Developmental Trauma and The Practical Guide to Healing Developmental Trauma, touch on this (no pun intended), and discuss Neuroaffective Touch to help with those suppressed emotions. I'm noticing a lot more body stuff come up as well as I go through the book. I hope your energyy healing is able to help you with that.

Sending you support,

Dolly, it's amazing on how much more flexible I am even without a consistent stretching regime.  I think that is part of it is that tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles are all getting more oxygen and nutrients.  I'm trying to feel my way instead of thinking my way out of it.  Was in my head for so many years, then figure that I need to have a different mind set to get out of something.  You know? 

Thank you for the support.

Papa Coco


Wow. Thanks for the feedback. I'm going look into some of these suggestions of yours. I need to adjust my vitamins now anyway. Good time to research which ones will help me the most.

Your tenacity is impressive. There are far more scams out there then help. Being driven to researching all of it is a really good tactic.

Your research is motivating me to take diet more seriously.


Quote from: Papa Coco on February 24, 2024, 06:02:43 PMSH,

Wow. Thanks for the feedback. I'm going look into some of these suggestions of yours. I need to adjust my vitamins now anyway. Good time to research which ones will help me the most. For me the first thing I did was throw out the RDA.  Those levels are not for optimal health.  Rather they are the absolute minimum required to keep any nutritional based diseases at bay. It also doesn't take into account the chemical loading, heavy metals, hormone disruption compounds etc. Here is something I do on the regular. According to the cult of the white lab coats this is toxic as he77.  If I'm starting to feel "under the weather" a cold lets say, I take 1000mg of vitamin C a hour every hour while awake. Next day I'm good. I limit the oral vit c to that so I don't have gastric upset.  it's a water soluble substance, so why is it harmful? Oh yeah, we can go down a rabbit hole here. Like how Rockefeller took over the medical establishment and pushed allopathic medicine which now you are seeing the results of that.  Did you know that generally speaking MD's only get about 2 weeks of nutritional training out of the entirety of their medical training? The current medical establishment does not like vitamins / minerals / herbs because they say that it's not "scientific" AKA 1 molecule for 1 disease. When the nothing else in nature follows that paradigm. PC, Fair warning. As you learn, you will get to a point where you will be disgusted. CS is one example, another is there was a fella out of Canada that was showing folks how to cure skin cancer through their own efforts and they ran him out of the country basically or he was going to face the rest of his life in jail. No lie. (phoenixtears.ca) There was Rife that had proof that if you can match the fundamental vibration of a pathogen you can neutralize it. Including cancer. He had great success and the powers that be trumped up charges on him, destroyed his research, slapped him in jail. Destroyed his life.  Or what about stem cell therapy where your own cells are used for it? Watch the Joe Rogan episode with Mel Gibson. Freaking eye opening.  Still under review according to the FDA. Hmmmm kinda makes you wonder about things doesn't it?  Then there is bob becker (https://www.bobbeck.com/) Which led me to colloidal silver. Or what about this: folks with non-responsive to medication depression. Run them through a MRI. Depression lifts for up to a year. Who knew that a rapidly changing intensely stong magnetic field would have that effect?   What we call alzheimer's is actually type 3 diabetes, at least in the rest of the world. yeah. What about chiropractors? They have to do a full medical program and then get to go learn how to be a chiropractor. Like what?   And I'm supposed to believe that the cult of the white lab coat has my best interest at heart?  That there isn't a profit motive behind it? Yeeeahhhh, suuurrreee. And I have ocean front property in Arizona for sale, cheap! Last time I went to a western medical person, I was having issues with a knee. Sore, hurt, etc. Didn't even glove up to touch it. First thing was "you have gout". I asked how I could have gout? I don't have any other symptoms, then the indoctrinated person got all huffy. Finally asked about my diet, my activities, drinking, etc. And then gloved up to see what was physically going on with my knee.  Gee, surprise I didn't have gout, I stressed the ligaments / tendons. And a 10 minutes meeting set me back over $100 and that was 5? 6? years ago.      Emergency medicine is the only place that in my opinion they are actually decent. Even then though, it's sketchy at best. Had an automobile accident. took about 250 stitches to put my face back together including the ones that weren't visible. They also left automotive glass in there as well. The glass finally worked it's way out to a point where I could make a small incision and get a pair of hemostats on it to pull it out.  To this day there is a scar by my nose that if I start getting under the weather will become inflamed and it will follow the scar heading up to my right eye socket. The scar is better now, after 30 some years yet it is still visible. Shortly before that I opened up a thumb to the bone. Local mobile vet was by and my Dad asked if he could do anything. The vet stitched that thumb up to where now there is just a line on my thumb. Unless a person looks really close a body can't tell if it was ever damaged. Somebody explain to me how a vet has better skill? 

Your tenacity is impressive. There are far more scams out there then help. Being driven to researching all of it is a really good tactic.  Thank you. Personally it pisses me off that these folks are empowered to keep people, animals, in a state of illness for profit. I'm living proof that if you provide what the body needs, it will recover. Chiropractors have put me back together more times than I want to remember. After the bout of a sinus infection that still wasn't clear after 60 days? And that was after having the surgery to open up the nasal passageways, polyp removal and so on? yeah, kinda got a wee bit scared. At the time I had a wee one I need to get growed up. And this was way way before learning about mind body connection. Jumped into the so called alternative medicine field and haven't looked back. It's only been recently that I have come across how the powers that be are manipulating the entire system for their financial gain.

Your research is motivating me to take diet more seriously. I don't know where I ran across it, it was a quote or something, the gist is that you need to be the resident expert on you. All aspects of you. throw out the food pyramid that is totally bass ackwards, remember that this was created in order to keep people ill or to promote illness. Take a look into not only the growing methods but also how the grains are processed now.  Seriously when catsup is considered a fruit? Dig up the documentary called "That Sugar Film" they still believe that cholesterol is "bad", other than that though, lots of good info in there on how the sugar industry made "science" to prove that sugar was good and fat was bad. Yep. And that was in the 50's. Or how a person could get "to much protein" or how the food dyes are perfectly fine. I used to know a guy whose kids were labeled hyper active. He removed all food dyes from their diet. The hyper active went away. Who knew? Same bunch also made science to prove that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Not to the human body it's not. One calorie from a carrot is digested totally different that 1 calorie from refined sugar as 1 calorie from fish is digested differently. Just found out about this as well, unless it's organic cane sugar the sugar in the USA comes from GMO sugar beets. Unfortunately, the food cartel is in cahoots with the medical cartel which is also in cahoots with the pharma cartel.  Start tracking who is on the boards of these corporations. That is all public knowledge.  Here is a link to an article that has a sobering info-graphic of which mega corporation owns what food brands.  https://www.good.is/Business/food-brands-owners-rp 

PC it seems to be overwhelming.  It's not.  As your internal database grows then it becomes a logistic problem. Is there folks in my area that have a CSA farm? How do they grow the produce?  Or is there folks in my area that follow the slow food method?  (https://www.slowfood.com/) Who has chickens that sells eggs in my area? What feed do they provide the chickens?  Is there a dairy that sells raw milk? it was cloudy and overcast for the last few days, I'm not feeling my best, maybe a seasonal affective disorder lamp would help me? I'm really wanting to eat X right now, what's in X that I may be lacking at this time?  I used xyz cleaner a few days ago and now I feel like crap, Is there a cleaner that doesn't have the chemicals that works as good?  I skipped communing with spirit because of X and now I'm off my square.  Piece by piece you will build that relational 3d database and it will become second nature to you. If you stop and think about it, humans have been doing this kind of thing for eons.  Until there is enough of us, voting with our dollars, these mega corps are not going to change their actions.  it's going to take something like a Bud Light boycott for them to finally realize that it's not business as usual.

I would add that your SO needs to look at what is in makeup and personal care products. There is some seriously toxic crap that the USA based manufacturers put in there. Formaldehyde, mercury, lead, coal tar, asbestos, aluminum, certain parabens which are a hormone disruptor, and this goes for you as well.  Not that I'm a fan of socialist countries, I do think they are doing some good by banning known toxins from being used / allowed to be imported.  https://echa.europa.eu/substances-restricted-under-reach

One class I did take that has been very good in helping me slog through all the hype / marketing / etc. was critical thinking.  Here is the website for the organization that they used for the course work. https://www.criticalthinking.org/ 

I wish you all the best


24 Feb 2024

I am attempting to be as objective as possible with this.  I admit that it's only based off my own lived experience yet what else is there to go by?  Someone's opinion of me where they could be projecting their own BS on to me? 

I've been thinking about assumptions.  Seriously, what assumptions are in place with well... everything?  Specifically though in the realm of mental health.  What are the meme's?  What is the mind viri that have been intentionally (or otherwise) introduced into society and myself, that flat do not get questioned?  Knowing about mind body interface, would it be logical to consider that the experiences I am having are due in part to the beliefs that I have concerning certain aspects of my life? 

I don't know where I read it, however, there was a study of older gents, I think it was in the U.K., they checked muscle mass, strength, memory, blood work including hormone panel, etc.  Then gents were placed into a controlled environment where there were no mirrors, the food, t.v. shows, clothes, music was all from when they were in their late teens early twenty's and son of a gun, at two weeks take a wild guess of where their stats were in two weeks?  All stats were showing that somehow they were younger. They checked everything again in another 2 weeks and the science was showing even younger!    Then the gents went home and in two weeks their numbers were back to where they were before the experiment. Or the experiment where college athletes were instructed to visualize weight training for 2 weeks.  Again, muscle mass, strength, etc was measured. The people that visualized the weight training still saw 13-15% increase in muscle mass and strength also went up.  To me this shows just how much mind influences the physical. 

Maybe, just maybe the assumption that xyz negative event is a lifelong sentence is something that is made to happen?  For example, I've noticed that I have a belief that my spelling sub unit isn't optimal. However, during the times where I can achieve flow state and I'm doing without thinking then my spelling is exceptionally good.  Which is it?  Is my spelling sub-par or is that something that got instilled in me from someone that I perceived as being in a position of authority and it's not actually true since I do have evidence to the contrary?  Could it be that my beliefs have the effect of a self-fulling prophecy? 

Then that leads me to question how much of my daily experience is based on beliefs, expectations, that were implanted (other peoples voices) and I have not questioned them until recently?  From there then extrapolate into society.  What beliefs, expectations, exist that I have accepted as "truth" when that is the farthest thing from truth. Is this one of reasons why re-framing is such a powerful technique in the mental health field? That what we see, what we experience is not 100% "out there" rather it's filtered through the expectations, beliefs, emotions that are operating at a sub-conscious level just outside of awareness?

I know that the various cults (medical, pharma, etc) that are out there do not have my highest and best in mind.  They are only looking at how much financially they can extract from me until I am no longer in this realm.  I am not speaking to a specific individual, rather as a group the effect is that they do not care, even though the message that they promote is the exact opposite. 

What about the assumption that because someone has undergone a certain training regimen that makes that individual competent in that space?  Thinking back to when I was an instructor at a vocational school, there were people that graduated that didn't have what it took to be competent in the field.  If the same percentage holds true across all types of training regimens then there sure are quite a few folks out there that have no business being in their field.  Not saying that they are bad people.  What I am saying is that based on a holistic overview they would be better served in a different vocation.  Unfortunately, some of these folks end up in places where they can do more harm than good until a situation develops where they are forced out of that vocation due to market pressures including legal action.

To think that our society now is somehow more "advanced" more objective than prior civilizations is sorely mistaken.  We are basically the same people that were around during the crusades (all 7 of them) during the Spanish Inquisition, the burning times in Europe in which certain villages had to import women because they put to death the other ones because of "witchcraft".  We have better toys is all and we can kill each other at an industrial scale without resorting to biological, chemical or nuclear weaponry.

I'm still not complete in my assessing assumptions either at a personal or a societal level yet.  I do believe however that it's well worth the effort to map or at least become aware of what has been imposed upon me and what is organically from myself that has arisen from lived experience.

Wishing all here all the best. 

Papa Coco


I agree with so much of what you say. My primary care physician is a Naturopath. She usually gets me fixed up before having to send me to any pharmaceuticals or western medical professionals. She advises on diet and energy movement (Massage, exercise, acupuncture, etc) first, then resorts to medication only when needed. Which is very, very rare in my case.

I see chiropractors, I get regular 90 minute massages from a very spiritually minded therapist. My talk therapist is more spiritual than any I've met.

I got a lot of good information from Gary Zukav's The Seat of the Soul. I listen to it on Audio all the time. Over and over. His chapters on how we create the reality that we live in have helped me tremendously. He cites that people who begin to resonate with the reverence of spiritual reality, automatically start learning to eat a better diet because we start to recognize the harm being done by the sugars and additives of the fast-and-easy foods in cans and boxes.

The response you gave me yesterday seemed only a bit overwhelming. I did have some knowledge of much of what you said. For me, it's about putting it all back into practice. I've been delving into the bad diet world for a couple of years now. I need to get back on board with what is good for me.  Your responses are motivational.

About that comment you made; What about the assumption that because someone has undergone a certain training regimen that makes that individual competent in that space?  I have a favorite joke I tell when I'm dealing with someone whose competency for the job they're in is in question: Q) What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of their doctorate class? A): Doctor.


Quote from: Papa Coco on February 25, 2024, 10:46:42 PMStartingHealing,

I agree with so much of what you say. My primary care physician is a Naturopath.Nice! She usually gets me fixed up before having to send me to any pharmaceuticals or western medical professionals.Well done good sir. Well done. She advises on diet and energy movement (Massage, exercise, acupuncture, etc) first, then resorts to medication only when needed. Which is very, very rare in my case.  With all the thrice misbegotten side effects of pharmaceuticals, and having the FDA basically rubber stamp "medications",  you know it's interesting that the folks in Pharma DO NOT take the Hippocratic oath. First do no harm. Same with the oil cartel. Something happened in the 70's-80's.  Used to be that Wall Street reflected main street and that went away during that time period. 

I see chiropractors, I get regular 90 minute massages from a very spiritually minded therapist. My talk therapist is more spiritual than any I've met. I personally think that Spirit is the basis that everything should be based off of.

I got a lot of good information from Gary Zukav's The Seat of the Soul. I listen to it on Audio all the time. Over and over. His chapters on how we create the reality that we live in have helped me tremendously. He cites that people who begin to resonate with the reverence of spiritual reality, automatically start learning to eat a better diet because we start to recognize the harm being done by the sugars and additives of the fast-and-easy foods in cans and boxes. My hope is that the change that is happening stays non-kinetic.  Unfortunately, certain powers that be won't see which way the wind is blowing and at that point, things will happen.

The response you gave me yesterday seemed only a bit overwhelming. I did have some knowledge of much of what you said. For me, it's about putting it all back into practice. I've been delving into the bad diet world for a couple of years now. I need to get back on board with what is good for me.  Your responses are motivational.
thank you PC for your kind words. Trust me I get it.  At first blush it does seem overwhelming.  That is by design. For me the 5th column concept works. Behind enemy lines and working on getting the intel to not only save myself but others as well.

About that comment you made; What about the assumption that because someone has undergone a certain training regimen that makes that individual competent in that space?  I have a favorite joke I tell when I'm dealing with someone whose competency for the job they're in is in question: Q) What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of their doctorate class? A): Doctor.   Here's a funny for you.  Breakdown the term "expert"  What is a ex?  Someone in the past right?  What is a pert?  a drip of liquid expelled under pressure. Even at a PHD level, are people thinking?  Critical thinking? Or are they becoming more indoctrinated?  What assumptions are there in the material that they are learning? 


Report on my Reiki appointment yesterday.

Overall a very good experience.  I'm still in the process of integration.  My energy systems got moved around, cleaned out and stuck emotions were released.  The physical is adjusting and that may take s while.  I don't really know what to put in this post.  There was also sound based aspects that was used to change up the flow of energy.

going forward I may come back and revisit in the future.

Wishing all here all the best

Papa Coco

I'm glad your Reiki appointment went well, and I am using your post as a reminder that Reiki has a place in healing.

I'm glad you brought Reiki into your journal so I could remember that it is an option for me today. I do Reiki on my wife often, but I never ask anyone to do it for me in return.

I'm a believer. I have the hands for it. In the 1990s I got certified to practice, but I didn't do anything with the certification. A few people have recently told me I should start practicing it again.

In the early 1990s I got the chance to meet Dr. Wayne Dyer while he was publishing his 20th book. During the handshake, I felt a powerful energy force of peace leave his hand, enter mine, and begin to soak up my arm like a wick. Honestly. The peace I felt in his touch was massively powerful. He had to forcibly end the handshake by tugging until I let go. I told Coco of my experience. She said she feels that in my touch all the time. I had never known that. I then learned the word "Reiki" and became certified. I practiced it for a while without ever asking for money. Eventually I forgot about it. Now you're reminding me that there might be some very good healing to be had if I were to get back into it as both a patient and a practitioner. Usually, when I'm giving Reiki, I'm receiving as much peace as I'm giving out. It's more of a two-way energetic connection. I give while I get.

Thank you for openly using the word in your post. You've shared something from your life that I can use in my own life too.


PapaCoco, it is my understanding that as the Reiki energy is flowing through a person for healing, that energy is also seeping into the person that is moving it.  I was also told that Reiki is the breath of the Universe and that it can never be negative. 

Comparing my most recent experience to the next most recent experience, the effects are different.  Not that one was better or worse just different.  The next most recent one I was lit up like a Xmas tree.  After it was done it took me close to 2 hours before I could gather myself together enough to drive. Took chocolate, lots of chocolate, water, and a couple of cups of black tea until I felt like I was safe to drive.  Considering that I have been operating equipment of various types since I was big enough to reach the clutch pedal. Tractors, farm trucks, cars, pickups, dump trucks, motorcycles, ATV's name it.  So that was a big deal you know?  The next day I was back on my square.

This most recent one, there was about 20 minutes after and I felt like I could drive. However was definitely off my square.  It took until this AM for me to feel like I was back on it.  I'm definitely in a better space today as yesterday I was ... disconnected?  In a different zone?  Awareness had been altered?  Definite shift. 

I'll have to see how this plays out over time. 

Short term I have definitely noticed a definite re-ignition of my connection / interest in all things spiritual.

Been a while, long while since I danced from the joy of being alive.  Did a jig this morning. :)

Wishing all here all the best

Papa Coco

You have found a really open reiki practitioner. I don't think I've ever experienced a session so powerful. That's awesome!

The two most memorable reiki experiences of mine were both when I was the practitioner.

The first one was when I was 34, and still identifying as a Christian. It was the first time I'd ever experienced Reiki. It was before I knew what it was. My wife went to bed early. I stayed up and watched a TV show. I came to bed and spooned up behind her. I laid my arm over her side and rested my hand on her tummy. At that very instance, my stomach went into nausea and my head started to throb and I immediately fell asleep. The next morning, she said to me, "The weirdest thing happened last night. When you laid your hand on my stomach, my nausea went away, my headache stopped, and I fell asleep." I was floored. I made a meeting with my pastor. When I told him the story I'd just told you, he panicked and shouted, "DON'T WORRY! Maybe it'll never happen again!" I realized then that I'd reached out to my last Christian pastor. He couldn't accept that the miracles he preached about might actually be true. Like most I'd met, his words were hollow. He didn't believe what he preached. That was one of the last straws that finally got me to stop looking for a church to belong to. I told another friend what had happened, and she introduced me to the term "reiki". From there I went out and got certified to do it more, but have only used my hands on friends, family, and anyone who asks as a favor.  Still, I've never had a flow as intense as the ones you are talking about that keep you from driving vehicles for hours. 

My other memorable example was when I was visiting with friends. One friend's 28-year-old son was struggling with not feeling terrific. He asked me to put my hands on his back. He sat on the floor in front of my chair and I just put both hands on the center of his back. I usually feel a need to move the hands to where the pain is, but in this rare case, I spent a full hour holding my hands in one spot, never feeling an urge to move them. During the entire hour, I felt more peace than I've ever felt before or since. The peace was otherworldly. When he finally got up he said he'd felt it too. My one son, 11 years old at the time, was with me. In the car on the way home, he said "I have the feeling something bad is going to happen to Brian." Two weeks later, Brian was sleeping on his dad's couch. At 2 am his dad heard him calling, "DAD! I need you!" When his dad entered the room, a massive peace flooded him too. His son was sitting up. "Dad, there are a whole bunch of people here and they want me to go with them." Dad sad on the couch and said, "I'd rather you stay here with me." The son laid his head on his dad's lap and died. The Aid car came. One of the firemen said "Wow. This room is really peaceful." An autopsy showed Brian to have had full blown leukemia. But the family had no medical insurance, so the doctors had, instead, been telling him he had a cold.

The energy is real. I agree with you that it's flow. The first few months of trying to give reiki to others were difficult for me because I kept getting sick. Whatever they had, it went into me. During the reiki classes, I learned that to keep the affliction from coming into me, I had to be very conscious of the fact that it was not my energy doing the work, but that I'm only a pipeline. I need to stay connected with the bigger spiritual picture. That way, when I and another are connected through touch, that I'm not absorbing their energy, but letting it pass through and out. Now, reiki energizes me while it calms the recipient.

Anyway, I need to find a reiki master like yours! I need to find a way to get my own energy to flowing again.

Thanks for sharing your experiences with it. I'm excited to start diving into that world again. It's obviously got benefit that I'd forgotten about until now.


Quote from: Papa Coco on March 08, 2024, 07:11:27 PMYou have found a really open reiki practitioner. I don't think I've ever experienced a session so powerful. That's awesome!  I've had some where it was ... meh as far as physical reactions to it. Like all things Spirit, it always comes differently.  If that makes any sense.  Then again, I am a energy sensitive which I am now finally accepting and working on getting a handle on it. 

The two most memorable reiki experiences of mine were both when I was the practitioner.

The first one was when I was 34, and still identifying as a Christian. It was the first time I'd ever experienced Reiki. It was before I knew what it was. My wife went to bed early. I stayed up and watched a TV show. I came to bed and spooned up behind her. I laid my arm over her side and rested my hand on her tummy. At that very instance, my stomach went into nausea and my head started to throb and I immediately fell asleep. The next morning, she said to me, "The weirdest thing happened last night. When you laid your hand on my stomach, my nausea went away, my headache stopped, and I fell asleep." I was floored.  You got lit up without the attunment! Cool!  :bigwink: I made a meeting with my pastor.  Those folks  :doh: When I told him the story I'd just told you, he panicked and shouted, "DON'T WORRY! Maybe it'll never happen again!" I realized then that I'd reached out to my last Christian pastor. He couldn't accept that the miracles he preached about might actually be true. Like most I'd met, his words were hollow. He didn't believe what he preached. That was one of the last straws that finally got me to stop looking for a church to belong to.     It messes with their world view.  Most xtain pastors are there because of egoic things not because the holy ghost reached out and slapped them silly.  I've always had an issue because of the whole babies go to * because of original sin. Or where did Cain get a wife?  Why is the god in the bible bi-polar? Old Testament vengeance, kill everybody, New Testament everything is happy happy joy joy, all is love. Did god finally get on meds?  Spiritually makes no dam- sense. And that was before I learned about converting people at the point of a sword.  Then the whole zombie thing, wrong dates for things, not to mention the council of Nicea was a political hack done by Constantine.  I told another friend what had happened, and she introduced me to the term "reiki". From there I went out and got certified to do it more, but have only used my hands on friends, family, and anyone who asks as a favor.  Still, I've never had a flow as intense as the ones you are talking about that keep you from driving vehicles for hours.     Way before I went through reiki training I could "pull" for the lack of a better term, pain, swelling, etc from others.  After a while it got to a point where I stopped doing it consciously because I didn't know how to observe without absorbing.  That came many years later in my reiki training.  Here's a question for you.  Do electronics work for you?  futz with a flat screen or whatever it is electronic and it didn't work before and because you futzed with it now it works?  Next question do you magnetize items that you commonly wear?  Have you ever picked up a "vibe" that something is cockaloop before you open a door?  See another human?  You may want to consider that you may be a energy sensitive.

My other memorable example was when I was visiting with friends. One friend's 28-year-old son was struggling with not feeling terrific. He asked me to put my hands on his back. He sat on the floor in front of my chair and I just put both hands on the center of his back. I usually feel a need to move the hands to where the pain is, but in this rare case, I spent a full hour holding my hands in one spot, never feeling an urge to move them. During the entire hour, I felt more peace than I've ever felt before or since. The peace was otherworldly.   The peace of the other side.  I felt that before.  During my shamanic training I was instructed to go to the gates of the next realm.  Being in front of them, so peaceful, so soothing.  Then a guide that had shown up in the form of a pixie asked me if I wanted to sneak a peek.  Of course I said yes and the doors were opened and I saw the summerlands.  My teacher was very smart because before doing this I had to sign a contract stating that I would return.  I figured out real quick why.  If it hadn't been for that contract I would have crossed that threshold.  At the time the only thing holding me into this realm was habit and that contract.  Sometimes I wonder if I had gone through if I would have been fast tracked to the staging area to come back to this realm. When he finally got up he said he'd felt it too. My one son, 11 years old at the time, was with me. In the car on the way home, he said "I have the feeling something bad is going to happen to Brian."    Spiritual abilities does follow genetic lines. That's a total spirit thing right there. Two weeks later, Brian was sleeping on his dad's couch. At 2 am his dad heard him calling, "DAD! I need you!" When his dad entered the room, a massive peace flooded him too. His son was sitting up. "Dad, there are a whole bunch of people here and they want me to go with them." Dad sad on the couch and said, "I'd rather you stay here with me." The son laid his head on his dad's lap and died.  You good sir, provided Brian and his family such a huge gift. Your actions allowed the peace and love of the other side to come into that place at that time. Which removed fear. It's still saddening. The Aid car came. One of the firemen said "Wow. This room is really peaceful." An autopsy showed Brian to have had full blown leukemia. But the family had no medical insurance, so the doctors had, instead, been telling him he had a cold.  I don't know how to feel about the so called medical professionals covering up that because of "insurance"?  Censoring at least would be appropriate for them. 

The energy is real. I agree with you that it's flow. The first few months of trying to give reiki to others were difficult for me because I kept getting sick. Whatever they had, it went into me. During the reiki classes, I learned that to keep the affliction from coming into me, I had to be very conscious of the fact that it was not my energy doing the work, but that I'm only a pipeline.  the hollow bone, the hollow reed, I need to stay connected with the bigger spiritual picture. That way, when I and another are connected through touch, that I'm not absorbing their energy, but letting it pass through and out. Now, reiki energizes me while it calms the recipient.   A note from when I learned it, you can use it on yourself.  My teacher actively instructed me to give myself a treatment for at least an hour a day and that the energy follows intention. Even if I only have a few minutes, I can still treat myself and set the intention that the energy flows until the healing needed at the time is achieved.  Being a sensitive, you may want to look into energy clearing. It's where you scoop out the not good energy and then "shoot" reiki into the hole that is left from the removal of the not good.  The not good goes to sweet mother earth to be processed and transformed into positive energy. Some folks use their left hand to scoop, and right hand to shoot, some use a feather, some (who are really good at energy flow) blast it into the energy field and push the not good out.  I figure whatever works for a person you know?  The other thing is you can also do reiki at distance. Across the country or across the world. Makes no never mind. That may be a way for you to not have to touch until the crap is cleared.   

Anyway, I need to find a reiki master like yours! I need to find a way to get my own energy to flowing again.  I sent you a boost.  The other thing is ask your reiki teacher to treat you.  My mentor referred me to the person that did my most recent and I'm still noticing that things are becoming uncorked and my palm chakras are lighting up again. Been many a year since that has happened. I physically feel the energy coming out of them and the temperature feels warmer than the surrounding tissue is what I mean when I say they are lighting up. I'm fairly certain that there is a method that could measure the energetic potential compared to baseline. Well shoot, when they can detect an electron phasing out of material existence into the quantum foam, and bio-photons that humans produce have been recorded, for me having "proof" as far as verification of personal experiences, adds more to the pile of "I am perfectly sane. Not my fault you can not see, hear, feel, taste, smell what I do.  Go live your mundane life and leave me alone. "  Yeah, speaking to the adoptive family. that's another aspect, I was taught that you can send reiki into the lineal past and future if you wish.  Time does not exist in a lineal fashion over there so why not? The way it was explained to me is that the events will still happen.  However the not good from that event is reduced. The lessons still occur.  With what I know of quantum theory, that makes sense. Our senses give us the impression that things happen lineally, where in the quantum world, the results can occur before the cause. And so far there isn't a limit on when either happen in lineal time. that means actions taken now can and do influence the past, scary but cool at the same time.   Something I need to do more of is sending reiki to myself in what I perceive to be the past. 

Thanks for sharing your experiences with it. I'm excited to start diving into that world again. It's obviously got benefit that I'd forgotten about until now.

You are welcome.  As the saying goes, iron sharpens iron.  You have helped me greatly with this.  It has allowed me to connect dots that I haven't before that makes energetic and spiritual sense to me. 

Wishing you all the best PC


18 march 2024

Been a while since I have been here.  Energetically things are still moving around, lots of old sh-te coming up for me to drop.

Realized that I have been pissed / angry at various things through my experience up to this point.  Being adopted.. sigh, as Cipher said in the matrix movie " What a mind job ". 

I'm still hopeful that my innate survivor-ness is kicking in.  I've been through experiences where that part of this me that exists at this time, has come up and kept me going when at the time, in the midst of that experience, it kept my addiction to breathing going.  Even during events more than likely I shouldn't be here in this realm any more. 

You know, trying to feel my way out of this mess is, at times, a P.I.T.A. (pain in the a-s)

Gotta get going here.  there was a person that decided that they would be better off being somewhere else for work.  There is going to be some re-config for a while.

Peace to all the brave souls here.