Hope's Journal 2024

Started by Hope67, January 16, 2024, 10:11:25 AM

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Thank you for sharing your takeaways from the books you read, Hope. My dad was a singer and musician, and my parents always c9pared me to Lisa Marie Presley and Cassidy bono. I didn't know what they were talking about lol. But, while I don't compare myself to the children of superstars and what that must entail, I think it's interesting that they have similar experiences and they have a platform to talk about these things where the masses can hear it. I know Priscilla had some similar experiences to my mom and my mom claims to have married my dad to get away from her father.

I asked her once why it would have been inconceivable to simply "get away" on her own and she looked like deer in the headlights. It's not hard to put together why my mother treated me the way she did, but she didn't "have" to.

Repression..I relate so strongly to that, too, San. It's like my parents could have been more free-I was born in the late 60's, but they were stuck in the 50's as if they were little versions of their own parents, trying to repress and dictate and stay tightly wound.


Thanks Hope, all that was really intriguing and touching. I loved, the only way out is through.
That rings loud for me at the moment.
Happy new year to you and all. :hug: