What's in a Name - Part 3

Started by Kizzie, June 01, 2024, 02:50:28 AM

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I chose my name because Fozzie is a muppet and the muppets remind me to say yes to silly stuff. It is a gentle reminder to lighten up when I can.
I am 55 years old, so Fozzie55 felt right.
Animal is my favorite muppet but Fozzie felt softer and happier!

Desert Flower

Very nice Fozzie! And welcome to the forum.


Hello. I'm new here.

I first tried using "blueberry" for my username, but it was already taken. Then I thought of using "blackbird." But both of those terms come from names/nicknames my childhood family gave or called me when I was young.

Then I thought using something that better represents me now was a better idea. "Azul" is blue in Spanish. I am 1/2 Cuban and deep, dark blue has always been my favorite color. I find it soothing.


Quote from: Azul on November 14, 2024, 12:47:26 AMHello. I'm new here.

I first tried using "blueberry" for my username, but it was already taken. Then I thought of using "blackbird." But both of those terms come from names/nicknames my childhood family gave or called me when I was young.

Then I thought using something that better represents me now was a better idea. "Azul" is blue in Spanish. I am 1/2 Cuban and deep, dark blue has always been my favorite color. I find it soothing.
Azul is a nice name, seems very personal to you - it's fitting. I also like Azure, Cobalt, Sapphire, Navy, and Cerulean as some blue names. :)



I find nicknames quite personalised and precious to me. Family ones especially which have been there for life. Picture a friend of yours using a family nickname, just feels weird right ahha



very new here and sending love to everyone in their healing!

my name, i was surprised was not taken, is the archetype i closely fall into in the cast of characters children raised by narcissists/addicts/etc. this is where the C-PTSD came from (my cluster B mother) so it felt suitable for a name on a forum where these types of things will be discussed :)

thanks for existing!!


Welcome to the forum, s-goat!  :heythere:

I can understand you choosing that name, but I find I don't want to write it out and I especially don't want to call you by it. There is a reason behind that. My previous trauma therapist, unfortunately now retired, cautioned me not to repeat in full words that "I'm the FOO s-goat". When I write s-goat, I think of a goat, see a picture of a goat in my mind's eye, which is fine. If I were to write the word out, I'd connect in my head and feelings with FOO. I wouldn't see a goat, I'd be swamped with feelings of FOO.

Apart from my writing the above, which is maybe not very welcoming or appropriate, this is a very supportive forum with tons of information and experience. I hope you feel supported here.


I spent a lot of time alone as a kid. My parents or my sibling didn't spend time with me. I was isolated on a farm 10 miles from nowhere. But in the spring, summer and fall there were tons of birds singing in the trees outside my bedroom window. Also, I am a singer which makes birds, especially owls, a sort of mascot for me. Lately though I feel more like birdseed hence the name.


I just found this thread and it´s really nice to read all the backstory about our nicknames.  :) I chose my name because at the time I joined this forum, I was reading Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. The novel, just as her other ones, resonated with me very much. Woolf´s writing is deeply touching and lyrical. She can express the existential pain her characters are suffering from with only a few words. She became one of my favorite writers and Mrs Dalloway one of my favorite book characters. Also, Virginia Woolf struggled with depression most of her life, which made her stories and characters so heartbreakingly real.