A Bit of a Warning

Started by Kizzie, June 17, 2024, 02:51:26 PM

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Every once in awhile I see something concerning on the forum, behaviour that isn't quite enough to warn a member or ban them, but enough that I feel it's important to point out a potential issue. 

From time to time we get people at OOTS who are here for the wrong reasons. They want attention or to troll members by running them in circles trying to help them. I'm seeing a bit of that going on at the moment so I'd just like to suggest to members that you trust your gut and if you sense that someone is not here for quite the right reasons maybe stand clear for a bit and see if you pick up on anything. I know it can be hard to tell, but part of recovery is sussing out people who are a bit off so we protect and care for ourselves.



I should add that this does not concern members who are genuinely sharing or asking for suggestions or information, it's more when a member keeps asking questions or making posts that don't seem to ring true. For 99% of us this is not an issue, it's the very occasional person who joins the forum to mess with very kind and caring members who will keep responding because they want to help a fellow survivor. As I mentioned before, it is a healthy thing to be able to recognize people like this so we don't waste our precious time on them. Recovery is sometimes about learning to step away.  It doesn't mean we are bad people, it means we have learned finally not to be taken advantage of.


The person I suspected was not here for the right reasons PMd me about my warning.  They were the only one to PM and in what they said revealed to me they were the person of concern. Sometimes I am able to flush trolls out this way and at the same time warn members so it worked out fortunately.  The person is no longer on the forum.