Three Good Things Today (Part 9)

Started by Kizzie, August 13, 2024, 03:49:27 PM

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Maria S

Sounds good SenseOrgan!

1. I worked at the daycare and had fun. My little autistic friend is an admirer. He wants to sit next to me and play with me and be cuddled and says I am the sweetest. It is nice to hear, but also I just really have fun.

2. It is sunny and I walked for maybe an hour.

3. I visited the neighbourhood cafe and was enthusiastically received.

4. I am sort of relaxed.

5. Kid will be here in a minute.

6. A church lady will bring something small to lift me up!

7. I cleaned the toilet and the home.

Good day! It helps me to be active and social despite the pain.

Maria S

1. I visited my friend. I love him. He said I changed a lot for the better the last years, became much more mild, open and reflective.

2. I worked. I was always praised for superficialities at home, like looks and intellect. Never for true things like values or character. At my job, I can be my original self. It is a simple and lighthearted and caring place. I'm praised for things that are important. And not rejected over flaws. I feel safe there.

3. Kid is here. We are joking and teasing each other.

4. It is sunny.


1) Seen the first flowers of spring in our garden! Little yellow winter aconites peeping up through dead leaves on flower beds

2) I was listening to Canadian national anthem yesterday on Youtube and it's still running in my head  :)

3) I'm doing better again after my deep EF and some things progressed under the surface during it :cheer:

Maria S

Sounds good!

1. I finally decided to work on my life, rather than feel depressed or try to get dad to cooperate.

2. Cps was more positive than I thought.

3. I had a drink at the coffee bar