Not talkin' much...

Started by GoSlash27, September 18, 2024, 01:14:00 AM

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 It's been weeks (months?) since the last time I've posted.
 The best I can say is that DBR seems to be *very* powerful, but also very exhausting. I have very vivid and pointed dreams every night as my subconscious processes my lost memories, which leave me more tired when I wake up than I was when I went to sleep. Sometimes I understand my dreams, sometimes I don't.
 I also lost a disturbing amount of weight this summer. Down from 143 lbs to 124 (a large percentage of body mass). I've clawed my way back to 132 through eating lots of military MREs.
 I simply don't feel the need or inclination to discuss the trauma of my childhood anymore. I also don't feel like I've made any major changes in my life, which would indicate that I've started breaking my cPTSD habits. I feel like I've just reverted to the "normal" that has carried me all these decades.
 I've made friends with a rescue dog named "Maverick" through my GF. He's a lanky tan stray mystery breed. All ears, tail, and legs. Highly intelligent. He doesn't get along with other dogs and can't be around them, but loves humans.The two of us are dopplegangers. It's like looking through a dark mirror.
 I don't know what (if anything) I can add to the convo here. Just my unique experiences.



Hi Slashy,

Sorry that the DBR is tough for you and your contributions, whatever they are, are always welcome on the forum.

I asked on another thread how the DBR was going as my own t keeps suggesting it, so thank you for the update. I have read someone else's experience liken it to three months of *, but they came out feeling much better on the other side. So, it seems there's something to look forward to.

Sending you support,


Thanks for the update, Slashy. It's good to see you.

I'm sorry that you lost weight you didn't want to lose. I'm glad you're putting some back on now. If there isn't an obvious reason for the weight loss then perhaps a quick medical review might be in order.

You say you haven't made any major changes but I don't think major changes necessarily have to be made in order to indicate a loosening of the CPTSD grip. Sometimes (I think) we just need to chip away quietly and it's not until we look back over a longer period of time that we can see the progress.

I'm glad you've made friends with Maverick. Dogs are such a joy.