General Support Thread CSA Recovery

Started by Armee, September 30, 2024, 01:17:35 AM

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Hi building off of Dragon Dancer's thread I thought maybe we could have a general CSA support thread going?


I'll start off. I've had several protective layers fall back recently, allowing me to get closer to some of the memories. Some are pretty bad. But I'm also getting closer to that part of me. It's a 5 year old. She will not let me get very close or to see her. She hides in the closet with a dress covering her head and face. But before I couldn't get anywhere near as dissociation denial and other things would pop up to distract. Gosh even a part that stabs me in the foot or eye if I start to think about it.

But some sad things I wanted to note here:

1. I remember the 5 year old creating a new part. She experienced it once and then decided she was too little to deal with it and the perpetrator needed someone bigger than her so she created an 8 year old part. That 8 year old part stays curled up in the bottom of an empty bathtub. My feet are stabbing right now writing this. I often find myself passed out in the bottom of the tub now. I take a long bath and when it is time to get out I drain the water but stay in the cold empty tub for an hour or more. Now I understand why I do this.

2. After the 5 year old created this 8 year old part to deal with the abuse she also created a denial part that it didn't happen to her.

3. During therapy this weekend I was communicating with this 5 year old part and something she said to me broke my 46 year old heart to little bits. That it was her fault it happened because she went to sleep (i.e. went to the place where it happens). There were times I just couldn't stay with what was being shared. A 5 year old is a very little body. I can't quite fathom. But T helped me stay connected with that part anyway by prompting me to communicate with the part that even as a 46 year old it's so much to handle and she had to handle it as a 5 yr old kid and how well she did and did what she needed to then to survive. It's things like that...why I think it's so helpful to be with a supportive therapist while tackling this stuff. Otherwise, I just get lost in it.

I don't know if that is helpful to read but if it helps others to write what they are going thru now with regard to CSA please do use this thread for that, without worrying about responding to others unless you want and are able to and find it helpful for your process.

Papa Coco


:hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:  :hug:

The work you're doing with those sweet little parts is inspiring. Thank you for sharing these insights. I agree totally with you that it's really good to have a qualified therapist to help work through this.

I can access my parts when I'm alone, but I don't process them as well as my T does. Often, I ask them to stay with me for a few days so we can talk together with our friend the Therapist.

I'm so happy to hear of the movement you're making with this.


Thanks Papa C. That's the same as with me. I access the memories and flashbacks alone, not with T, but I can usually only connect with the part with his guidance, often with him speaking directly to that part while I listen. That's a really really good idea to ask the part to stay and hang with you until you can talk with your T. Super good idea. I'll try that.

Maria S

I cannot say much now because it comes so close. But I read this, thank you for sharing this. And lots of support in dealing with this. :hug:


Quote from: Armee on September 30, 2024, 01:30:04 AMBut T helped me stay connected with that part anyway by prompting me to communicate with the part that even as a 46 year old it's so much to handle and she had to handle it as a 5 yr old kid and how well she did and did what she needed to then to survive. It's things like that...why I think it's so helpful to be with a supportive therapist while tackling this stuff.

I am so glad you have a good T who can help you unlock and look at this abuse Armee.  And tks for starting this thread.  I hope it encourages others to share (slowly) their abuse but with the help of a T as you suggest. It's our adult part facing the abuse but the child part too, a double whammy if you will so a kind and caring T to guide and support is really important as you say.

Very brave of little you and adult you to face your abuse  :hug: :hug: :hug: