starting over

Started by sanmagic7, October 20, 2024, 12:12:39 PM

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thank you, hope.  you warmed my heart. :hug:

am overwhelmed once again.  my D was sick all day yesterday, which does not help me feel better.  so very worried about her.  she's going thru too much and it's taking its toll.  3 mistakes in those sentences, i can't coordinate my fingers, my brain isn't working well.  will stop now.


 :hug:  to you SanMagic, and to your daughter too.  I am sorry to hear she was sick all day yesterday, I really hope she feels a bit better today - and I know you're very worried about her.  SanMagic, I hope you can get some rest and do something that will help you feel more relaxed and wishing you the best.   :hug:


Thinking of you and your daughter, San. You have so much going on, I hope you can find some peace and relaxation with your daughter and that she feels a lot better soon. Wishing her lots of healing.  :hug:


hope, i so appreciate your kind and caring words and thoughts.  i know they come from your heart.  thank you. :hug:

phoebes, thank you so much for your care and concern.  she's feeling a bit better today, but i have a feeling it's going to be a slow recovery for her.  you're right, it's all a lot.  :hug:

took meds so i could get some sleep last nite, woke up this morning and started crying over what's already going on w/ our new administration.  it feels like there's a dark hole over our country, and it's distressing to me. i think i have to stop looking at the news.  it's too much to put on top of everything else that's going on with me and my D.  ugh!



thank you for those big hugs, blueberry.  much needed right now. :hug:

on the verge of tears as we speak.  yesterday was the anniversary of going NC w/ D1.  i don't even remember exactly how long it's been, something like 10 years.  the hole in my heart never goes away, never heals.  this, on top of everything else - no wonder i'm feeling sick.


Losing a child is terrible. No matter the circumstances. I just thought of my eldest daughter in the garage, while I was working... She used to say, "Funny faces" when she was little, which had a special meaning for her which I now forget exactly what it was... I'd forgotten all that. My youngest daughter showed me a picture of my eldest from this past Christmas. She's dyed her hair blonde... and is the spitting image of me at that same age. Beyond that I sensed a more profound calmness in her image which I hadn't seen in awhile. Perhaps my imagination... No matter what they did and continue to do, we cannot help but still love them. I feel your sadness deeply, San.


thanks for the support, chart :hug:

been sick, stomach flu, stress flu, still not fully back, but too many things to do, getting ready for the surgery next week.



thank you for the hugs, hope.  love 'em!  :hug:

heading to the healing porch till the surgery is over.  don't have the energy or mind to post right now. :fallingbricks:


hoping the surgery goes well....

Desert Flower


thanks, larry.  it did. :hug:

thank you for those hugs, DF.   :hug:

surgery went well, everything before it was * for my D so i'm glad she's thru it.  now to recover, mend.


I'm so glad to hear her surgery went well, San. I'm glad that big hurdle is past and healing can begin. Sending you all the things you love that bring comfort. :hug:


thank you, phoebes, so much.  i think one of the biggest things that could happen is nothing out of the ordinary.  i'm so tired from dealing w/ crisis after crisis, stress upon stress.  to just have a boring life for a while would be extraordinarily positive! :hug: