New member saying hello

Started by Callie, December 12, 2024, 04:45:04 PM

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Diagnosed with CPTSD, specifically including panic disorder, major depression, anhedonia, and digestive impairment. Recently worked with a therapist who took me as far as her skills could go. Looking ahead to fight harder for more treatment. And the beat goes on.


Hello, Callie, and welcome. I am sorry you have been diagnosed with CPTSD, although I guess a formal diagnosis does at least help direct your plan of action to deal with healing. I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you around the forum.


Hi and a warm welcome to OOTS Callie  :heythere:

Sorry you've ended up being here because you suffer from CPTSD but for many of us it's the first time we've really felt like we belong anywhere and that fellow survivors get us. I hope this is true for you  :yes:   


Papa Coco

Welcome to the forum, Callie

I'm sorry your first therapist could only take you to a certain point.

More and more therapists are learning about CPTSD every day, so hopefully the search for qualified trauma therapy help will become easier as we continue to evolve as a society.

In the meantime, thank goodness for communities like this forum, where fellow sufferers can ask for, and give, support to one another. This forum helps me almost every day, whether I'm also with a therapist or not.

I hope you find comfort and connection here. I've found the people on this forum to be mostly truly good people.
