Website on how abusive relationships / cults use same actions

Started by StartingHealing, December 18, 2024, 02:13:42 PM

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Here is the link:

For me, seeing the same behaviors from personality disordered and cults really blew my mind.  Also explains to a larger extent of the how, why, etc. on putting myself back together. 

Wishing all here all the best

Desert Flower

This is so interesting. Because at the time I was being abused etc. I used to be very interested in cults and how they manipulated people. I had no idea I was already so close back then! I must have been on to something although sadly I never really understood these similarities until now... WOW


Lots of info there and mainly about N behaviour so tks for the link StartingHealing. So many of us here were abused/neglected by N's but if the N was covert like mine, had trouble figuring out that their behaviour actually amounted to coercive control.

Once you understand narcissism and can see it in all it many shades you learn who is dangerous and to step away or in some cases run! Unfortunately when it's your family you don't have that option while you're under age and IMO it's harder to see the behaviours for what they are because of who is doing the manipulating. We hang onto the hope they will change and treat us better for longer because they are family. Sadly that doesn't normally happen. Anyway, for those of us whose abusers were N's lots of good info like this can help us to step away earlier on if we so choose and know that we are doing the right maybe the only thing for us to do.