how do you deal with emotional flashbacks like this?

Started by sky, January 26, 2025, 12:52:02 AM

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i visited an abuse website and was shocked when the moderator was hostile towards a member who was trying to ask for help with their abusive spouse.  The member even said so.  Before I knew it another moderator got on me and said i was attacking the person for pointing out that the moderators behavior was hostile- i tried to communicate in a polite way with the administrator and was really shocked when their reply was shut up and stop it. Then this administrator blocked me from the site!  A supposedly safe place like that should have had moderators that weren't abusive - and if they were you would think the administrator would address it differently.  I couldn't believe it.  I know the moderator and owner are obviously struggling with abuse themselves, but all day today i have been struggling with emotional flashbacks to my abusive ex who would hurt me like this and not care and blame me.  How do you deal with emotional flashbacks like this? I find i lose a lot of time from it when i could be more productive taking care of stuff i need to do.