I don't know if this is neglect/abandonment

Started by Echoecho, February 04, 2025, 05:40:43 AM

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Please help me figure it out.

My ex let me cry and cry and he's indifference to my emotions. He only asked me to make amends with my parent even though I made it clear that they are the cause of my CPTSD. I shared what other bad things are happening in my life and I didn't get comfort from him. He thought he is under too much of the pressure I gave him emotionally.

I don't know if it's my fault or he's offered me neglect and abandonment just like my parents do.


The only thing that matters right now, is your self-care. If you're not getting what you need from your husband, "Go to where it's warm." If you don't have a friend, therapist, spiritual advisor, then the best thing you can do is to find help and find your inner strength to comfort yourself. There are Mental Health hotlines in every state (I believe) that you can call. Your husband is not the one to go to right now. Here is a website with resources. A place to start.


Also, I've found Adult Children of Alcoholics and Other Dysfunctional Families (ACA) helpful: www.adultchildren.org

Because this isn't a one-and-done situation. I used to get into relationships that were abusive and neglectful. It was because I was conditioned to it by my family of origin, my parents, who were neglectful.

Take good care of yourself!

Desert Flower

Me too Echoecho, I've been there. It's a hard situation that you were in (again). (Although I do not know what your exact situation was/is of course.)
But here's what it says to me:
Maby it was repeating a pattern that we know, unconsciously feeling 'safe' with the devil we know. Which is - most importantly! - not our fault! Not one bit.
And your response is very healthy I think. You are starting to see. You are feeling what was wrong there. And it is hard to look at it this way, it's sad and difficult. 
I'm sending you lots of support. It sounds like you are starting to take care of yourself.