Hi from Sweden!

Started by Zighy, February 16, 2025, 05:00:43 PM

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Hi there all! Glad to have found this site. I grew up in the sixties with a father that abused both me and my mum strongly, and a mum that was emotionally inhibited. Due to that strong ACE I developed C-PTSD and from my late teens til about 25-30 years I tried to escape life through drugs and alcohol. Not the best way. However, as I always knew it wasn't the right way to go I fought back and was using quite "normal" for years. Then I ended up in a relationship that was not good and made the C-PTSD exÄlode again. I didn't know that I founded an addiction in my young years and that addiction now burst to the skies and threatened to bring me off the life stick several times. When I passed 60 I came across the book "The Body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk and realized why my life was the way it was. I've learned about ACE and C-PTSD but it is still hard sometimes. I am still working in health care as an assistant nurse and things are... Okay, relatively. I just wish I could have found this knowledge 20 years ago. But it's never too late... At least I have a few years left where I will try to do my best and with all the new knowledge, I hope to tackle both my ACE and C-PTSD constructively.


Hello, and welcome. I am glad you found us and glad you are making progress with healing.


Hello Zighy, welcome to the forum. I agree it's never too late. Life has always been hard, but at least we now understand much better why. And that knowledge closes one chapter and starts another. Now we come to the healing work. Glad you found us and hoping you find what you need here. For me the Forum has been immensely helpful, probably moreso than anything other single thing.

Papa Coco


I send a very warm welcome to the forum! I'm glad you found this site. It's been a very good thing for me, I hope it is for you too.


Dog dad

Hi! I'm new here, too, and your bio resonated with me. I'm of similar age and experience, as I just outlined in my own intro.

Glad you're here!