me and my sisters

Started by Dalloway, February 24, 2025, 05:17:31 PM

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I am returning to the topic of unfairness every time I think about me and my sisters and what are our lives like now. I grew up with them, with the same FOO and experienced similar kinds of traumas and difficulties. Now I see them struggling in their lives, being depressed and hopeless most of the time. But they are the best people and sisters I can imagine - they are capable and talented, intelligent and open-minded. The only problem is that they don´t see what I see. The reason I´m writing this topic on this forum is that I know I´m just like them. My T told me today when I was talking about my little sister not seeing herself as I see her, that she thinks the same of me. And I know that the four of us sisters are tied together with this invisible rope made of shame, self-blame and guilt which our M created.

And every time I think about that I feel extremely angry for the unfairness of it. We were born with the same expectations as all the babies, we should have received the healthy amount of care and love and affection, but we haven´t. Our lives were ruined, our chances taken away from us.

I like to celebrate small victories - being able to stay with my feelings, getting out of an EF -, and these small things have to be enough for me because that´s all I am capable of right now. Not because I´m worthless or incapable, but because someone years ago made me believe that I am worthless and incapable. So instead of living a joyful and whole life, I am picking up the small pieces from the ruins of my childhood and try to put them together to create a life worth living.

I know that as an adult, it´s my responsibility now to create a meaningful and happy life for myself and no one can do that for me. I just wanted to highlight how helpless this makes me feel sometimes.

Thanks for reading.