Who Have You Told About Your CPTSD?

Started by Kizzie, October 23, 2014, 05:50:17 PM

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When I first started coming out about my CPTSD I told my most trusted friends. My family had a habit of not believing me (because my Mom told everyone I'm schizophrenic and I'm not) so I only told some of them recently.

Most of my friends I've told weren't shocked, but we definitely connected more. It gave us both opportunities to share things about ourselves we've felt shameful about. It made my relationship with friends closer.

The first my family I've told about my CPTSD is my step dad. He really wanted to understand my symptoms, how my relationship with my family caused them, etc. He's always very supportive and lets me talk about whatever. He always reminds me that there is, "nothing wrong with me." Not in a way that disregards my experience, but he knows I spent many years waiting to turn schizophrenic so it's nice to hear that there isn't anything wrong with me...lol.

I also exhibit my artwork internationally so anyone who has seen my work and read my statements understands my struggle. Coming out publicly like that was terrifying. However, it helped me connect with so many people who have had similar experiences. The only bad backlash I got was from family because I was "embarrassing" them. This is how my Mom (my abuser) found out about my CPTSD. Of course she went into control and manipulate mode and would just repeat, "I find it very bizarre that you think a mother would do that to her child." I just told her after that I refuse to talk to her about it. Haven't talked to her about it since and don't really think it would be helpful or beneficial to do so.


I didn't know that! My Mom use to be a teacher at a psych hospital for kids. Terrifying, I know. She use to call me that when I would question her abusive behavior because I was "making it up." I am very fortunate though to have so many people I can call family. Sharing your story is so important.

Quote from: BeHea1thy on November 14, 2014, 03:13:47 PM
hello alovelycreature,

By the way, I've had several M.D.s tell me that 'schizophrenic' was a catch-all diagnosis at a certain time. I'm not sure whether you're Mom pulled this term out of a hat, or you were diagnosed. Either way, it's not true.


Quote from: alovelycreature on November 14, 2014, 10:26:14 PM
I didn't know that! My Mom use to be a teacher at a psych hospital for kids. Terrifying, I know.

Okay, if Steven King is trying to decide on a storyline for his next book, I think he has a winner in this one.

Your mother sounds like a horror story all in herself.   Around KIDS ...and TEACHING in a PSYCH hospital.

How confusing for the kids in the hospital ...not to mention you, Lovely!     :aaauuugh:


Anyone can get trained in Trauma Focused CBT for kids. It's free! I did the training. http://tfcbt.musc.edu/

I have some child trauma treatment therapy handouts/clinicians guide. Some are even good for adults, like the trigger tracking sheet.

If kids are reporting abuse on a forum someone would have to attempt to call CPS, right? That could be bad not to report it...

Quote from: Rain on October 26, 2014, 08:45:18 PM

Hopefully, a professional can write the section for the kids as to how to understand their situation, and who they safely reach out to for help.   Maybe some perspective that what they read at OOTS is adults recovering from what they current may be going through, and whatever else they would need to read.   I don't know.


I told my H. He tries to understand but can't seem to. His family had its problems but overall is genuinely caring and loving. It is like this gives him blinders to grasp my struggles. I stopped telling him much because it is so complicated and hard to explain. Sometimes I feel like sharing something great with him but then I picture how complex the conversation would be to describe the situations leading up to a recent revelation that I don't bother.

This is why I am so happy to have found this forum. You all understand without needing to have the whole back story spelled out.

I stopped going to a T because she told me to write out my "story" but the next appointment she told me she hadn't read it.


Thank you BeHea1thy for thinking that I set limits. I think I was just uncomfortable venturing out into the world of therapy in the first place.