Object Constancy

Started by felloutofthesky, July 19, 2016, 08:51:43 PM

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My most constant and overwhelming issue right now is object constancy (not being able to remember or connect to the fact that people love/care for me, or even remember me when they're not physically in the room). I suppose it's always been an issue but it was kind of buried under an eating disorder / self harm etc. Now I am mostly healthy from all of that, it is every single day that I am panicked, depressed, scared, sick that the people I love don't even remember I exist. I have one good friend who I can call/text when I feel like that but even then, I ask pretty frequently and I feel so stupid afterwards. I keep objects from people I love but that also works for only so long. How on earth do you overcome object constancy? It seems to be something nobody understands or even really knows about - they just think you're crazy that you can't remember people care about you. Objectively, I am incredibly loved and cared for by amazing people in very healthy and safe relationships, which is something I never even knew could happen, and it's wonderful. I just wish I could stop panicking that they hate me all the time.

Coping ideas? Overcoming ideas? Neuroplasticity thoughts? How long does it take? :stars:

Three Roses

Not sure if this will help - I've been thinking about this since I read it, what if you ask some people to write you a little card and send it in the mail? That way, when you're feeling panicked, you'd have something physical to hold and read; something that's there whenever you need it.

Or, when you're with friends, take group photos?


Thank you for the ideas Three Roses! I do have quite a few letters and notes that I keep but my brain always assures me that they're old and things have changed and those people have now forgotten me  :doh: Photos are a good idea, I may print some out and keep in my room etc as having visuals is very helpful to me :) Thank you so much !  :)