I am new to the knowledge i have C-PTSD

Started by Mz.Bella, September 03, 2016, 09:37:37 PM

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Hi I am new to this and C-PTSD. I was first diagnosed with PTSD,GAD and Panic attacks. When I learned about C-PTSD I knew i suffer from this.

I am going through a divorce and no one has allowed me to bring up the abuse I endured from 1990 till 2010 when I escaped.MY own attorney told me family court is not where you bring up Domestic violence. The small amount of thereapy I have gotten (you could consider it zero) I have yet to be able to even talk about any of it, so my nightmares continues. I really dont know what to do or where even to go with any of this.  Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have no friend or family support and feel very much alone in my own *.

thank you, Bella


Hi Bella welcome to OOTS.

im glad you have found your way here and im sure when you feel ready and only if you want to, you can share your story here.

There is also lots to read and a wealth of information and advice.
Lastly the people here are really lovely and supportive so youre among good company.

Three Roses

Hello Bella, and welcome. We're glad you're here.  :hug:

So sorry to hear that you don't feel you have anyone who'll listen. We're good listeners, here.

We have tons of info, references, websites, etc for you, but I don't want to overwhelm you ;) You could start by checking out pete-walker.com,  but take it slow, there's no rush.

We're here to listen when you need answers or just want to vent. Welcome aboard :D

Dutch Uncle

Hi Mz.Bella  :wave: and welcome.  :hug:

I hope, wish and trust this will be a safe place for you t share your stories and experiences, both past and present.
Our Guidelines for All Members and Guests are here to keep this a safe place for you and all other members. Please do have a look at them as more members have suffered from domestic violence, some of us as kids, and while we encourage people to speak out, we do try to keep it from triggering others, and thus have some safeguards regarding this.

Welkome again,
Dutch Uncle.


hi, bella,

glad you made it here.  i've found this place to be extremely supportive, with kind, caring people who are more than willing to listen to anything i have to say with acceptance and without judgment.  welcome.