Nightmares that I don't remember???

Started by Blossoming, September 26, 2016, 06:01:13 PM

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I have been trying to figure this out for quite some time so I figured I'd ask you all here to see if anyone has had this happen or even heard of it before.

My husband tells me that periodically I will start whimpering in my sleep and saying "no, no, no". I never remember anything in the morning but it sounds like when I do this it must be some form of nightmare.

If anyone has experienced something similar I'd love to hear about it. I apparently talk in my sleep sometimes too and as a child I would sleep walk as well.

Does this sound related to cPTSD?


Hi Blossom, it sounds like it could go either way. I have only spoken in my sleep a handful of times, waking myself up each time. My ex is more prone to sleep-talking, but doesn't have cptsd. I could have a whole conversation with him and he wouldn't remember. But I am a light sleeper and the one more prone to nightmares. It would be hard to gauge without more info. Each person is different.

I think there are apps you can download for sleep tracking, and maybe even some that could record if you start speaking. It sure does sound like you are having nightmares, but the source could be many things. You could also try writing down some quick notes about your dreams as soon as you wake to help determine what's happening. Hope that helps.


Thanks movementforthebetter. The sleep tracker is a brilliant idea. I don't know why I never thought of that!


If we're not woken up while in the dream we won't remember it.    If you want to remember these nightmares, ask your husband to wake you up. 


I never knew that LaurelLeaves. I will definitely ask my husband to wake me the next time it happens. Thank you so much.


Totally un-scientifically speaking, there have been mornings when I've woken up, absolutely sure I had a nightmares (because of the way I felt.  I was really used to having nightmares then), but having absolutely no recollection of one. 


I've had those mornings too writetolife. Thanks for your reply. :hug:
Not to try to make issue out of nothing but I get the gut feeling I'm repressing (suppressing? don't know the right word) something.  I just started noticing the EF and plain ol' flashbacks about three years ago when I started eating disorder recovery and my brain started working better but I didn't understand it all and I think I've actually had them for decades. It bothers me a little that I don't know what this means but I could be just worrying too much. Part of me thinks if I could figure it out it would be helpful to my recovery. I know it happens during periods of very intense stress.


 I work up during a nightmare the other night. I don't remember too many details but it's a start. Maybe I'm finally getting strong enough to handle things better so my psyche is starting to open up...  :Idunno: