Starting out

Started by Mindfield, October 03, 2016, 07:28:06 PM

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I have recently started Schema therapy as a treatment for c-ptsd.  As a nurse I have a tendency to lean towards journals, text books and studies to learn about and understand my condition and treatment.  However, my therapist has suggested that I look more at how others live with c-Ptsd and trauma, the challenges faced and how they are overcome. The aim being to connect more emotionally rather than dissociating and avoiding.  So I tentatively join your community some what nervous and scared.  Not really knowing where to begin.  I've never been a member of a community like this before so any advice and tips will be great fully received.

Warm regards

Three Roses

Hello! A warm welcome to you, Mindfield!

You might be interested in the book "The Body Keeps The Score". Very validating and informative with lots of medical stuff even I could understand.  ;)

Our Resources tab is another good place to poke around. Lots of goods stuff there.

Thanks for joining us! :wave:


hi, mindfield, and welcome,

so glad you're here.  i've found this forum to be extremely helpful in making the very connections you're talking about.  there are so many kind, caring, and concerned people here.  it's been a revelation for me.  i hope you're able to become more comfortable here as time goes on. 


Thank you for your replies i will be sure to have a look.


Hi Mindfield and a warm welcome to OOTS  :heythere:   I was so scared and nervous when I joined our sister site Out of the Fog I spent hours writing and rewriting my first post.  So many things I had never talked about openly just to my H and there I was posting for the world to see.  :aaauuugh: It took everything I had not to delete my account.

But I stayed and now here I am three years later at OOTS and happy to have all the company (well not happy that we all have CPTSD, but happy not to be so alone with it).  I hope being here does help you connect   :hug: