Just a question- how to explain a shame spiral to people I'm living with?

Started by Sienna, December 18, 2016, 06:12:55 PM

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Hellooo guys,
Not a biggie, just a question
How to i explain to the girls / (would rather it just be one), why i havent been out there speaking to them, and cooking etc for months?
What happened- social anxiety or just anxiety around them, they are women my T pointed out, and my narc mum was emotionally abusive...
Social anxiety started when a new girl came in, and i couldn't go out there...
then i felt tonnes of shame for not being able to go out there (T thinks it was also to do with what we were talking about in therapy but its subconscious shame)
So i was feeling fear about what *i thought* they thought of me-
so i was feeling shame for feeling shame.

One girl the other day after speaking to me twice said *you are always in your room*
to that i said , i know, I'm not anti social, ive just been in a really weird place.
I feel my truth wouldnt be believed so i need to make up a lie, as, if i was grieving etc. would that make a person not eat or cook for months..or even go in there to make a cup of tea?
Could do, but I'm not sure that would be believable- *that ive been in a bad place*
I'm feeling better in a way, like i could explain to them...
What should I do? thanks...


I think that what you told the girl is perfectly fine. I think you should tell them whatever you feel comfortable with sharing. You do not owe anyone a complete and detailed explanation, and there is nothing shameful about being reclusive (though I do understand the shame spiral, because I experience that, too).


Thanks so much mourning dove. You are right. Think I'm worried that if I say anything like the shame stuff is over -that it won't be over snd that I would have risked saying anything for nothing. Haven't been out there yet. But the thoughts if what they think that I think they rgink arnt as intense so that's good.
Thanks for your confirmation (hug)