Hi - new here

Started by silentsurvivor23, April 05, 2017, 12:14:28 AM

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Hi just joined OOTF yesterday - I've been a long time lurker and this website has helped so much over the years. Feeling brave enough to share and after a long time realized I don't have to be alone in this. I was suggested this forum from the main site today. I've read a lot about C-PTSD and have considered in the past I might have some symptoms. I've never been diagnosed or sought any help though. It was easiest to deal with things myself, gathering knowledge is what saved my life. Usually I've relied on suppressing/ignoring emotions and rationalizing to deal with ongoing abuse. Now that I'm in a safe place it feels like I'm able to work through actually feeling things, not just thinking. Hope I can offer some insights from my experiences and continue moving forward and healing.

Three Roses

Welcome, silentsurvivor23! Thanks for joining. :wave:


Welcome, silentsurvivor! Thank you for joining us and allowing us to 'hear' your voice!

Since you've been lurking a while, you know that we do try our best to help each other. We welcome working with you on your recovery journey and seeing your insights shared to help us as well.


Hi and a warm welcome silentsurvivor  :heythere:  Glad you took a chance on not being silent any longer   :hug:


Thanks for the kind words and welcome, it really helps to know there is a support group here.


 :heythere:   Good to see you here, silentsurvivor. I'm glad you're in a safe place now.