Three good things a day

Started by Elphanigh, April 18, 2017, 02:40:03 PM

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I can feel I'm making progress again in my healing  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:

It was a lovely sunny day again today.
I did 3 loads of laundry to make use of the sunshine to dry everything in one day outside.
I went for a little cycle, just for fun.


1) Finals are almost over
2) read a good article on codependency
3) ... hopefully another one is coming later today


It's a CBT technique!  :) I've been doing it for the past year... some days I forget, I confess!


So glad everyone is still using this. Blackbird, It is good to know where it comes from. I haven't done much CBT although I have read a lot about it.
My three good things are coming early today because I feel well this morning.
1. I feel good after my session last night (nothing like last time)
2. I work up to a very loving cat this morning
3. I made it early to work today


1) Having read above that this is a CBT technique then I can safely say that I have tons of experience in CBT ( I had been wondering exactly what CBT involves, the description I found didn't help me)

2) After missing my train to T today and therefore losing one of my precious 20 appointments and having to pay for it on top of it all (med. ins. doesn't pay if you don't turn up), I forgave myself really quickly. I know this because I didn't fog up, feel paralysed, go back to bed, or do anything self-destructive. Instead I got on with various jobs around the house, which felt very satisfying, and listened to music while I was about it.

3) watching my pets cavort


i can feel what it's like to feel loved.  this is miraculous to me.

i worked on my novel.

i did my stretches and breathing.


San, I am glad you are finding that :)  I am going to do a second three since I did mine so early and it has been a long day.

1. I stayed more focused today
2. I finally managed to get my apartment list out
3. I finally found a safe space to create for EMDR that is starting to work. I have never felt safe, so I am learning to do that


elphanigh, so very very glad you're able to find a safe space.  that is tremendous!  best to you as you continue therapy.    big hug.


Thank you so much! I was surprised to find that I have one. I am struggling to stay there in my mind very long but I am working on it. The fact it exists makes it possible to try. The last one I tried to make into that mental safe space failed pretty badly.  :hug:


Elphanigh - Surrounding you with hugs and with joy and safety. I can't imagine anyone wanting to dampen your joy in life - it's such a strong part of you! I may only be one person, but I'll do all in my power to help keep you safe here. You have helped make this a better place to be. Thank you!

Yesterday's three things (happened last evening)
1) Daughter chose a puppy to keep when it's time
2) Son isn't coughing so much, neither am I
3) I spent time with DS and it meant the world to him, again!

Today's three things
1) I let a friend know how much she is loved, I didn't put it off!
2) I've already made three people smile at work, just for being me - and only one was laughing AT me - and that was even ok :-)
3) I felt good as I got ready this morning. I still feel good, even after an in-depth discussion about puppies and worms with DS.

:hug: again to Elphanaigh for this thread.


Wife2, one person makes all the difference sometimes. That means a lot to me. I am glad to be surrounded by hugs and safety. I appreciate you helping keep me safe here. This forum is a first for me, and maybe why I could find the one safe memory I did have. Thank you for seeing the good and joy in me.

I am so glad this thread has been helpful. If I can have helped one person I have done some good :)  :hug:


well, you've earned your gold star, elphanigh!  you've done good for more than one person.  thanks.

i went grocery shopping this morning and wasn't exhausted afterwards.

i did some walking.

i am continuing to make the best of my situation with my hub.  so far, so good.


Thanks San. Best of luck in your Journey, it sounds like a rough one but you are doing well :)


My three good things today:

1. I got all the Indiana accounts done, without too much anxiety!
2. My partner bought me one of my favorite coffees
3. Some of my work load is getting shuffled to a new girl so I will have less work stress starting today


1)While I've been posting on here, I kept getting up to move to music, especially allowing my body to dictate the moves (rather than my head). Sometimes I've even been thumping my feet on the floor which helps ground me. I really like moving to music.

2)i spoke to a potential employer again, after turning the job down myself a week or two ago, to say I could try the job out for a couple of hours next week and the week after.

3) And he was agreeable to that. I know I will be paid for it.