Three good things a day

Started by Elphanigh, April 18, 2017, 02:40:03 PM

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Wife#2 I haven't been either. I am glad you are back here. I hope things begin to look up for you soon.

Here are mine for the last few days
1. I have found a new place to live
2. I sat down and did a budget this morning
3. I am more stable than I was a few days ago



1. I baked waffles today, the whole house smells delicious.
2. Booked a sauna resort to spent a day with SO.
3. Enjoyed the sun and got a bit of a teint.



Another post reminded me of this thread and that I haven't written anything for a couple of days. I thought about it, maybe on Saturday, but felt embarrassed. Not Blueberry posting again. That thought written out makes me feel sad. How simple is it to write on this thread and how beneficial instead of going into an EF for the day. Maybe I would've had the EF anyway, but a little less long? Or less deep?

Min. Three Good Things in past couple of days:
1) I cycled somewhere on Saturday through lovely countryside.
2) I got there faster than I'd imagined, so maybe my fitness levels are improving a bit.
3) My apartment is full of flowers, most of which I'd pruned from the garden.
4) I refreshed my knowledge of wild plants and their uses, as well as learning some new ones and finally being able to distinguish three similar ones with purply-blue flowers.
5) Last week I was doing well with my eating-disorder
6) Finally bought two small items I've been looking for for a while, buying one of them certainly a self-care thing.
7) Coming onto OOTS even if it is the middle of the night, it's helping me process what's being going on last little while
8. On Saturday I taught using a game I permitted myself to make a little while ago. I remember posting on here that I'd permitted myself to make it, despite that being time-consuming compared to the usefulness of it in teaching. But here I was using it already and finding it useful for that student. Maybe the most useful thing being that it helped me? The game is a black and white printout which I wrote different things on, coloured in in places, and added a gold-coloured frame in crayon. Particularly the gold-coloured frame makes me happy.


Three Good Things today and yesterday
1. I allowed myself a nap this afternoon when I was feeling tired. The fact that I slept 2 1/2 hours solid meant I really needed it, too. I accept this of myself.
2. Yesterday I was posting on here on a difficult subject. I decided it to end my post and go to a film as planned, rather than keep posting. The film was only showing once, so it was then or never.
3. The film was good, interesting, moving, but sometimes hard to watch.
4. There was some violence and frightening moments. I did really well talking myself through them, better than last time that happened.
5. I came out profoundly grateful that I have never lived in a war-torn country or a country recovering from civil war.


I haven't done this or my five minute journal in a while. I need to be accountable to the journal especially but still to this as well. Here's for today

1. I voiced my feelings and need to have something to help me cope with my anxiety (this is huge)
2. I got to bond with another survivor
3. I get my new apartment keys tonight!
4. My back injury is getting better


Here are some good things for today
1. I have realized that I am starting to get my good relationship with music back by learning guitar (it was previously ruined in college)
2. I am starting to envision what my new space will look like
3. I had my favorite cup of coffee this morning


Three Good Things Today:
1) I went for a nice walk up in the hills out of town
2) There were different flowers blooming, as well as edible plants I've only just learned to recognise.
3) I threw a few things out.


Three Good Things Today
1) A friend phoned who also has CPTSD ( I know her from inpatient treatment) and we had a long, validating talk.
2) Afterwards I was able to stay upright instead of going back to bed, get myself first cup of tea for the day, make myself something to eat and even bother myself to go into the garden and pick some herbs to add to my meal.
3) I lay in bed reading for a long time today with the window wide open, enjoying the warm air and the breeze and fresh air coming in. I allowed myself to do this because I remember that I often have low-energy, low-motivation days when something's working away in my subconscious.


I haven't posted in here in a while. Has been a hectic weekend, and I have just checked the forum to write in my journal as needed (there was a lot somehow). Either way here is my mid-Monday three good things.

1. My T is so kind. I am financially really unable to pay for much. I was just going to not go in today because I couldn't pay her. Apparently she was already going to talk to me about reducing my fee today. We will see what we work out. Either way she shows great compassion for me. I think she sees all the damage done and wants to truly help.
2. The kindness of Wife#2 has made my day
3. I am sore but feeling accomplished because of getting a lot moved to my new place yesterday


I came back online on purpose to write on here.

1. I finally made myself a hot meal this evening and at least I had wholegrain in it (if no vegetables to speak of).
2. I went outside into the garden for a bit.
3. I posted on here earlier in the day which helped me sort out some of the stuff going on in my head and feelings.
4. I worked out what a new weed is in my garden - it's edible  ;)


Here is mine for the day. It has been a rough couple of days, but there is always something good
1. The kindness on the forum (this could be all three of my things, time and time again.) I could never have expected to see so much kindness and support. I am very new to my recovery journey and i didn't know there was such kindness out there.
2. I get to move my new chairs into my apartment today!
3. I opened up the my T about the fact I felt like I failed yesterday.


After a 'crash' emotionally following a 'high' from the intensive workshop I recently attended, I felt out of sorts today, until:

1. I checked email and there was an encouraging note from my intensive group 'support partner' regarding my upcoming knee surgery.

2. Then there was another one, from the group leader.

3. Finally I had a T appointment and she reaffirmed my path as one of  ups/downs, that I deal with that better now, and that I really have shown steady progress. The good thing is I kinda know that, but she reassures me it is real. It's exactly what I needed today.


1. I had a good therapy session.
2. I enjoyed the teaching I did this afternoon.
3. Lots of realisations at the moment, including from reading and writing on here.


This for this morning
1. I found out I am officially getting hired on so I will have insurance in a few weeks (I can see my T weekly soon)
2. Kindness of a friend, even if she doesn't know
3. I got out of bed and went to work instead of running