Three good things a day

Started by Elphanigh, April 18, 2017, 02:40:03 PM

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1) I stopped writing a post on FOO stuff as soon as I noticed it was getting too much for me. I didn't delete it, I posted it. I can then continue it another time. The good thing is that I noticed it was getting too much. I did not go over my limit.  :cheer:

2) I tried some more Screen Processing earlier. Even though I felt I hadn't done it properly and it didn't work out, I now know that it did. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to write the above-mentioned post at all.

3) I overcame my inner hurdle and did some water-colour painting today

4) I had a bath over at friends-on-holiday's house and felt so relaxed I even fell asleep briefly.


1) I only have two people's jobs to do today (yesterday it was three).
2) Overtime is being allowed to get it all done.
3) My husband and son are trying to understand and be supportive.
4) I got a fair amount of sleep last night.
5) My son continues to surprise me with what a wonderful human being he is.


1) I got donuts for breakfast as a small treat to myself today.
2) I have the morning off before dinner shift
3) my cold is finally subsiding

Three Roses

1. It's an absolutely beautiful morning, with the crisp, clean snap of approaching autumn in the air.

2. I slept very well.

3. My headache is gone this morning.


1. I worked on part of my job application and sent it to a friend to proof-read.
2. I set a limit today, even though I felt guilty, the limit was 'heard' and the people got help elsewhere, which I pointed out to them: See that's somebody else you can ask now.
3. I dropped by on a friend and we had a good chat about all sorts of non-deep subjects, such as watching animal antics. It was good, I should do that more often. 
4. I played a little keyboard and sang.


Quote from: Blueberry on October 01, 2017, 06:15:55 PM
Way to go, Aphotic  :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I'm so glad you have some money to get your artwork professionally printed, and that not all your money has to be spent on food. Also it's great that you're getting your artwork printed   :applause: :applause: and that it looks so good.
Your other two points are really good progress too.
It's surprisingly cheap too. :) I printed out three more yesterday for just $2.05 AUD.
Thank you. ^^

Quote from: Wife#2 on October 03, 2017, 01:27:07 PM
1) I only have two people's jobs to do today (yesterday it was three).
2) Overtime is being allowed to get it all done.
3) My husband and son are trying to understand and be supportive.
4) I got a fair amount of sleep last night.
5) My son continues to surprise me with what a wonderful human being he is.
Sounds wonderful wife2.  ;D

Quote from: Elphanigh on October 03, 2017, 02:39:05 PM
1) I got donuts for breakfast as a small treat to myself today.
2) I have the morning off before dinner shift
3) my cold is finally subsiding
Oh dear, I'm craving donuts now, haha. Glad you're feeling better!

Quote from: Three Roses on October 03, 2017, 02:56:15 PM
1. It's an absolutely beautiful morning, with the crisp, clean snap of approaching autumn in the air.
2. I slept very well.
3. My headache is gone this morning.
Glad you're feeling better too, Three Roses. :) I've had a few really nice mornings here as well.

Quote from: Blueberry on October 07, 2017, 09:23:08 PM
1. I worked on part of my job application and sent it to a friend to proof-read.
2. I set a limit today, even though I felt guilty, the limit was 'heard' and the people got help elsewhere, which I pointed out to them: See that's somebody else you can ask now.
3. I dropped by on a friend and we had a good chat about all sorts of non-deep subjects, such as watching animal antics. It was good, I should do that more often. 
4. I played a little keyboard and sang.
That's really nice Blueberry.  ;D Do you make your own music or play/sing songs by other artists? Just a curious question. :)

My own good things things, though I'm struggling a little to come up with a few...
#1. I bought a broad italic nib for my calligraphy pen and it finally arrived in the post. I dunno, there's something relaxing and calming about writing calligraphy... it looks and feels nice. :)
#2. My biological father messaged me today which I will reply to soon. It's nice to know he's thinking of me as I think of him.
I don't have a third thing but I'll maybe come edit this post later and add something. :) 


Aphotic, I don't make my own music at all. Just play whatever I have music for and sing along to myself.

1) I feel more energy and more impulse to actually do things.
2) Cleared a few things out of my apartment e.g. deposit bottles back and various bits to second-hand shop.
3) I applied for a part-time job.


1) I took a walk in a place that's special to me
2) I attended my aunt's birthday party
3) I drove my other aunt and cousin home afterwards to which they were grateful.

1) I enjoyed the sun
2) I went to the gym and had a really good workout.
3) Called the group leader and asked for advice


1) The sun is shining, including on the lovely autumn foliage, and it is warm

2) I finally took my bike to the bike shop for a quick repair.

3) Took my other bike, which I haven't ridden for about 3 years, too and now I'm back on it. It feels great!

4) Did some gardening.


1) Another sunny day and the evening even feels like a summer evening, it's still so warm.
2) I planted some more weeds in pots for the winter and sowed some seeds.
3) I had a surge of energy for part of the day and got most things done on my list.


1) In therapy I turned self-hatred into hatred of FOO and I felt it too, not just words!
2) I expressed hatred to each person in FOO in turn, loudly, clearly and in a comprehensible manner
3) My feelings of hatred towards FOO are understandable and allowed - my T did not try to diminish anything as has happened in past ("Now, now, anger is OK, but hatred is maybe a bit strong") No, none of that.
4) I feel energised.
5) And it's even a lovely warm sunny day on top of all that.


Quote from: Sceal on October 09, 2017, 07:40:29 PM
1) I took a walk in a place that's special to me
2) I attended my aunt's birthday party
3) I drove my other aunt and cousin home afterwards to which they were grateful.

1) I enjoyed the sun
2) I went to the gym and had a really good workout.
3) Called the group leader and asked for advice
So happy for you, Sceal. :) Especially with the asking for advice... I know that can be hard to do for some people, myself included. Well done. ^-^

Quote from: Blueberry on October 17, 2017, 11:28:41 AM
1) In therapy I turned self-hatred into hatred of FOO and I felt it too, not just words!
2) I expressed hatred to each person in FOO in turn, loudly, clearly and in a comprehensible manner
3) My feelings of hatred towards FOO are understandable and allowed - my T did not try to diminish anything as has happened in past ("Now, now, anger is OK, but hatred is maybe a bit strong") No, none of that.
4) I feel energised.
5) And it's even a lovely warm sunny day on top of all that.
Good to hear all this, Blueberry. :) Nice to know your T doesn't mind your hatred. I think hatred can be valuable at times, really helps you to keep away from people like that.

#1. Work went okay today, no major complaints.
#2. Actually feels like Spring finally, 21 degree Celsius night and I'm loving it. :)
#3. It's my good mate's birthday today and I'm just enjoying his company, playing games together. It's nice to 'be in the moment' like this, be able to push all other worries and thoughts aside and focus on something else, something happier.
#4. Despite having a terrible night's sleep and needing to work, I managed to find time to draw something for my mate's birthday. And he liked it so that's good. ^-^
#5. Even the mere thought of having a day off tomorrow and having the time to work on some hobby projects makes me rather content.


Quote from: AphoticAtramentous on October 17, 2017, 12:33:58 PM
Good to hear all this, Blueberry. :) Nice to know your T doesn't mind your hatred. I think hatred can be valuable at times, really helps you to keep away from people like that.

Being able to feel hatred towards the people who did so many things to me is so important and valuable because I've been turning it on myself for decades, partially as self-harm, partially in other ways.

More good things:
6) I biked from A to B, because needed to get somewhere, and enjoyed the ride on top of it
7) Cleared out some stuff I don't need and took some borrowed stuff back somewhere else - this is clearing space for me, a symbolic act too.
8 ) I told my neighbours I'm not helping them on Friday after all and I don't feel bad about it. I'm OK with it. I'm going to work on the farm instead and have decided that's more important to me.


1) I relaxed this morning before lectures
2) I went to the last lecture in my main subject (the rest of the lectures will only be voulentary)
3) I went to a surprise party for a friend of mine who's turning 30 - and we had such a nice time!
4) I talked to people at the uni
5) I allowed all the emotions to take place
