Tingly feeling when in EF

Started by confusledduck, April 26, 2017, 10:03:05 PM

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Ello all, I'm new here from OOTF.

I've noticed that during and just after I've had a flashback or emotional flashback, especially if its a memory I'd forgotten. I get a funny tingling sensation at the back of my head, in my head like a headache but it doesn't hurt. Just feels weird.  Almost like hair standing on end but not quite and inside my head.

Does anyone else have this or is it just my body's reaction to regaining memories and flashbacks/EF?


 :heythere: Welcome here, duck.
I get quite a lot of physical reactions but this isn't one of them. Let's see what other people come up with.

Three Roses

Welcome! No tingly feelings here but I do get headaches. Thanks for joining :)


I get tingelling, maybe even pian where I have been phisically hurt or where I have witnessed someone else being hurt


I get a weird feeling, I call it a current but it might be a tingly feeling, across my stomach and up the back of my neck. If it's really bad, it's up and down my arms and my hands and feet are kind of numb and tingly too. I want to run or hit something or do just about anything to make that feeling go away.  I get it whenever I feel out of control in a situation.


I used to go numb a lot, especially in my arms. Just remembered that with HeyLeigh's post. My impression is: numbness is common.


 yes to tingley, fingers and arms, neck, legs,  feet.


Dissociation?  Tingly feelings can be a sign.  I do that.


I don't know. I feel something in the back of my neck? Maybe that's it.


If you breathe really quickly, then you can get tingly feelings, and also go numb. (Fast breathing makes all the CO2 leave our blood, increasing calcium levels and bingo!)

You breathe quickly during a panic attack......and maybe that is what you are feeling?

However, I get tingly feelings down below, and that's quite a different story: it is a horrible flashback of CSA. I assume you don't mean this.




I just did a course on EFT and the tingly feeling I think your feeling is trauma releasing itself, I had this a lot during the course when talking about specific things that had happened and through the process of EFT my whole body was tingling all over which they said is the stored up trauma releasing itself.