I got hit by a car, with a concussion, and my father and brother doesn't care

Started by marycontrary, December 08, 2014, 01:39:24 PM

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I live in South America in a pedestrian European like city. I was struck walking by a hit and run car last Wednesday and got a bleeding concussion and was really beat up.

The beautiful Ecuadorian emergency responders were so nurturing and professional, they probably saved my life. I did a lot of post nursing care myself, and it appears that this minor traumatic brain injury on my frontal region will have minor, if any effects, because of all the care (including my own). I am recovering.

I have zero trauma from being hit. In fact, I remember grinning when I came to because the police, paramedics, and surgeon were all incredibly handsome gentlemen. It was just like a movie...waking up, and having these Brad Pitt level hot dudes asking me what they could do. So my humor and reframing, and the hot men, saved and trauma.

I have had an outpouring of love and support. However, my incredibly insensitive father and my brother haven't given a crap to contact me.   Aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, but not my own father. This is what hurts. What worthless scum.


  :wave: marycontrary.

I am so sorry to hear You got hurt! I am glad that You will not have any lasting TRAUMA FROM IT!  :yes:

It is almost degrading when Family members do not give You support in a time when You need it. I know that it really hurts!  :'( . There is not much we can do about how other respond to us. We can only control what responses we give to others.

I am glad though that some of You friends and family DID respond. Not that I am right for saying this...but keep them in MIND as true friends! Unfortunately as we have all learned Family does not have to LOVE US  :stars:

Take care of Yourself I hope You feel better soon! I am so glad to hear You have NO permanent damage!  :yes:

Keep on Keeping on! ;) :hug:


Thank you so much. I get so sad when I see my friends and other family have their Moms and Dads really take an interest and post on Facebook or go to parties, etc. Really give a damn. Brothers or sisters checking in.

I have none of that. I am sitting here with a head injury and another layer of realization what heartless bastards my father and brother are. Everybody else is dead.

I have friends. I do have them.


Thank you so much. I am a physiologist and I know......the scary traumatic brain injury stuff that comes up later. I am watching my consciousness closely. You hit it so close, I am sobbing my eyes out. A daughter would need her dad at this moment.

I am athletic, and gluten, milk, and caffeine free. Maybe I stacked the odds in my favor for keeping my blood vessels and immune system strong, so I can hopefully repair totally.


Wow - I'm glad you survived relatively intact and well. Sending a healing hug your way!


Oh, marycontrary ....I just saw your post.

A brain concussion!!   And, handsome "Brad Pitt" dudes there.   Heal Quickly, and I'm so grateful you literally survived ...AND are healing up.   Awesome on being able to treat yourself!!  Wow!!

You have caring people there ...and yes, I know.    Are you really surprised father and brother are not there for you?   I'm guessing not.   Still there is enough hope in our hearts that maybe THIS time they will respond differently.


Thanks for letting us know your "news" marycontrary   ...hey, WE CARE!!!    Well, and you DID have handsome dudes there at the scene!   :yes:


schrödinger's cat

Maybe all the Brad Pitts were fate's way of offering a tiny bit of compensation. Glad to hear you're okay-ish, and I wish you a very swift and complete recovery, one where your family is the only complication you'll experience.  :hug:


When I woke up from being knocked out :stars:, the long string of extremely hot totally effective gentlemen totally attenuated the trauma completely. It was so funny, I could not stop grinning.

Thank you guys so much. it has been 10 days and although I am still pretty messed up, it will totally heal.

Thank god for my friends :hug: and thanks to you guys.


Update on the concussion.

Still dizzy, but several strange things have happened. My writing skills have skyrocketed and so has my Spanish. Both literally like a switch. I was hit HARD on the upper right forehead---the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex, so I find these developments very surprising.


schrödinger's cat

Glad to hear that. I hope the dizziness will blow over soon.

I studied Spanish translating at University - it's just as well my struggling colleagues didn't read your post just before our finals, I'm sure some of them would have stood in front of their mirrors with a mallet and a determined expression on their face.


There aren't words to describe the tragedy of emotional neglect and the absence of the people we're programmed to need the most in the moments that we need them the most.  I'm sorry for that part of your experience.  It sucks.

I wish you the best as you heal and regain your health.


Thanks so much all of you....walked  9 MILES today....doing very good...

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: