Posting Guidelines - Please Review

Started by Kizzie, June 01, 2017, 04:11:08 PM

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If you haven't read through our guidelines, please take a moment to do so.  Following them is what helps to keep this forum a safe place to talk about dealing with Complex PTSD so they are important.  Our guidelines are here -

Of special importance is the tone used in posts - please strive to be as respectful and considerate as possible.  We all have had enough negativity in our lives so let's use this wonderful opportunity we have here to try relating to/connecting with others who know and understand what we're struggling with in a positive and caring manner. 

Another guideline that we want to emphasize is not to tell other members what they should or should not do, think, say .....  Certainly you can suggest a course of action or better yet let them know what worked (or did not) for you in a similar situation, but please delete the word "should" from your posts.

Finally, please be aware any posts that talk about wanting to harm others or engage in violence will be deleted immediately. 

As always, if you do come across a post that contravenes our guidelines or is problematic please  use the "Report to Moderator" button on the lower right hand side of the box and Three Roses/I will deal with it. (We do not ever reveal who made a report to anyone.)

Thanks for respecting the OOTS guidelines, 
